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Im caught between things and soo lost...

13 years ago 0 1022 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Junebug... throw in your story anytime you want!  It is that sharing that makes the connection (with people trying to get control of their drinking) so we know we are not alone in this.  Especially when someone else's story resonates with your own.  Thinking of you and hoping all is well.

S~ good work (already starting on the lessons)! Have you learned anything about yourself and your drinking that you didn't know before?  I went in thinking I already knew it all  but learned so very much... I am interested in hearing what you think of the material.
13 years ago 0 3 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thanks Junebug it's nice to know I'm not the only one. I can see the whole just having one drink thin to be an issue for me too especially with my friends. 
Thing is I can't even really try it because to my boyfriend everything is so black and white so basically you are either sober or drunk(even after one drink).
And ~m I worked through a bunch yesterday they are really helpful and informative, they were great!
13 years ago 0 1022 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
S~ junebug is right... you have already started just by being here and posting.  Next step in the program is to click on your Toolbox button near the top of your screen and start using the interactive tools.  Just work your way through at your own pace.  Post any questions or concerns you have as you work through these tools. This isn't something that can be absorbed in one night.  It takes time.... but you sure can get started. 
13 years ago 0 108 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Hi S

my boyfriend is the same way , he doesn't drink anymore either . i came home sooo drunk again last night and it was ugly ( the whole night was) i know the feeling. u said u dont know where to start but ...u already started :) here on this site. i am back at day 1, i am quitting for good! because i hate the fact is i cant have one drink its always to get black out drunk and tha is bad. its negative in my life . I wish you the best :) and know that there is amazing support here :) i dont mean to throw in my story i jsut do becasue i want u to know u r not alone :)

13 years ago 0 3 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I just don't know where to start...
13 years ago 0 1022 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Welcome ~S so glad you have found this site.  It might be a good idea to grab onto this program as a rock to stand on inbetween your boyfriend and your friends.  Give yourself time to work through some of the lessons until you feel less lost and a bit more solidly grounded.  The thing I love about this program is that it helps ppl figure out where we are, and what motivates us, and why we do the things we do... that's the grounding part.  Then the great part is being given the tools and lessons on how to become who we want to be... how we want to be... not what other ppl want, but what we want.  Get started reading! And don't forget to B R E A T H E !!! I look forward to hearing how you are doing... post as often as you want.  We are here to listen.
13 years ago 0 2606 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello S~,
Welcome to the Alcohol Help Center and on taking the first steps to getting the help you need.

Start working through program, a big component of it is learning about yourself so you can better understand your addiction. Some people find that taking a break from drinking for a while really helps them get control of their alcohol use.

Start reading through the forums. I think you'll find there are many people out there you can relate to. The forum is also full of advice and will offer you the wisdom of many diverse experiences in relation to alcohol addiction.

Check back soon and let us know how you're doing. We're always here to answer any questions you may have or to provide you with some feedback.



Samantha, Health Educator
13 years ago 0 3 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
So I drink and I have gotten too drunk I admit it. Ive gotten so drunk that I did stuff I couldn't remember. I'm 18 and the pressure can be overwhelming just want to do what everyone does. In October I started dating this guy and hes great the only real problem in our relationship is the fact that he doesn't drink. I don't have a problem with it at all but it does mess us up a lot. He doesn't like to see me drunk and I get that. Hes gone through a lot of stuff in his family where alcohol has been a problem to the point where he gets forgotten about and left out and I want to be the person that he can lean on. But he is sure alcohol always wins in the end and I don't want it too. But I'm confused as to what to do. I want to stop drinking for him I really do. I don't want him to feel like hes ever alone or that alcohol always wins but the other part of me always wants to be able to go out with my friends and have some drinks I want to be able to go out to a bar and celebrate my 19th, I want to be included. I don't want to be the one who is controlled by her boyfriend so I want to make sure its my decision. And I'm know all the things I'm afraid of if I don't drink are the things he experiences I know that but living in a house with 5 other friends who enjoy drinking with me makes it super hard. I don't know what to do and Ive got no one who can see both sides. I've tried to moderate and sometimes it works but then I end up with my friends and even though they are your friends they push more to you and its so hard to say no. And my boyfriend doesn't like it at all but I really really really don't want to loose him. Help! Please...

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