Hi Sparrow, welcome to the wonderful world of quitting! I'm so glad to see you posting here right away after your slip - I think that bodes well for you. I really find it helpful to post here a lot as I go along my quit, and it's nice to get the ongoing support. It feels like a big change to quit, but now that I'm a little bit into it, I can see how I was catastrophizing things earlier on - which was my addiction's way of protecting itself. If I built it up into this huge issue, then failing would feel justified. This quit I treated differently, like it was not such a big deal it was just something I was doing, if that makes sense. I also used a bit of Champix for the first few weeks to take the edge off the cravings and help me keep the attitude of "this isn't a big deal, I'm just not smoking." I look forward to your posts, stick around!!!