My psychiatrist, UC Medical, etc. know nothing about this. There are no quit smoking groups in the San Francisco Bay Area that takes up this issue. My concern is that I had to go off off the medicines for the mania and the depression. As for the mania meds, I was either allergic (lithium, Seroquel, Lamictal), or they didn't work at all (the anti-convulsants), or my blood sugar level went up over 500 (Zyprexa, Risperdol, Geodon). My sister, younger, died of diabetic complications in May, so it was decided that since I had run through all of the meds to just let me be. I've been stable. Also, with bipolar disorder, you can't take antidepressants without a mood stabilizer. This is an issue where there is little research and what research is out there is not filtering down to the doctors.