How insidious is this addiction? I am sure there are very solid scientific reasons for the need to smoke. Reduced receptors that require ever increasing amounts of the drug to reach the desired effect, falling sugar levels and all of the rest. However, for me it is more of a spiritual or perhaps I should say anti-spiritual cause and effect relationship.
In my perceptual realm I hurt or feel uncomfortable for some reason or other. I may not even be sufficiently aware to know what is causing me discomfort. All I know is that the being that I am hurts.
In response to the psychic blow I have trained myself to choke down some smoke. This act makes the pain go away. But where does the pain go? I think the truth might be that it goes nowhere at all, for some reason (which I can not describe), I am more comfortable being me in this semi catatonic state. Its almost like the little kid who covers his eyes and believes with all his heart that no one can see him.
When you look at it in those terms dosen't it seem that there might be a better way or ways of dealing with an unseen but clealy experienced state of discomfort? And so that is what I am doing...All of the activities I do are not important in themselves, they are important only if they redirect me from my old ways of applying anesthisia. For instance that is why I am writing here. I have always loved making images out of words since I was a small boy. The greatest thing that you can do with words is use them to create an image in the readers mind. It then becomes an act of pure communication, because the words you use allow the reader to apply their own images. Images which may in fact not have been identical to those of the writer.
Could it possibly be then that when someone says I like this or that writer because "he or she speakes to me" what is really meant is that because of the images the writer is able to invoke in the reader the reader is essentially being allowed to "speak to himself"? What a wonderful notion.
Well thank you for listening to me...You will be happy to know that by writting this little tome I have successfully crushed another crave and remain smoke free to fight another day...Maybe now I will go and see if I put my hands over my eyes if I really do becom