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Three days of not smoking!

17 years ago 0 5 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Kaiti- thank you so much for your support- and congratulations to you on over sixty days!!! It is not an easy taks to accomplish and i know that i have a long journey ahead of me, but i am ready this time to make a commitment. I am only 29 and have been smoking for over 15 years, i can feel it putting stress on my body. Saturday I ran over two miles without stopping and not even short of breath! I was so excited- so that is also a big motivator for me! I love this site- what an awesome support group! thanks again and congratulations!!! [B]My Milage:[/B] [B]My Quit Date: [/B] 1/5/2007 [B]Smoke-Free Days:[/B] 3 [B]Cigarettes Not Smoked:[/B] 105 [B]Amount Saved:[/B] $18 [B]Life Gained:[/B] [B]Days:[/B] 0 [B]Hrs:[/B] 6 [B]Mins:[/B] 0 [B]Seconds:[/B] 53
17 years ago 0 5 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Well i just found this website and absolutely love it- so helpful and informative. i have now been smoke free for 3 whole days and plan to keep it that way. I started taking a prescription drug that is new on the market called Chantix- i am such a huge advocate for it- want to tell all smokers about it! There are very few and minor side effects- some nausea and sleep pattern changes- strange dreams- which i welcome because i don't ever remember my dreams! It works by blocking the neuro receptors that feed the brain when you smoke- they continue to tell the brain that you are smoking when in reality you are not- so that means no withdraw and no nicotine in your system- uunlike the patch, gums and candies. Most insurance companies do not cover the drug yet- it cost me $97 but is well worth it to me- it is a month supply and you have to stay on it for about 2-3 months- i spend more money on smoking then i do on the medication. If anyone has any questions on the drug- feel free to ask me- if i can answer them i will- if not they have a website too. I feel like i am a drug rep for them but honestly i am not- just so excited that there is finally a prescription made just for smokers and that it actually does work. I have tried everything and was unsuccessful with everything but this seems to be doing the trick- i know three days sounds like nothing but for me it is huge!!! Congratulation to everyone on here that has quit smoking or is making the decision to do so, it's not easy but is definitely worth it- Hope that we all have a healthier 2007!!!! God bless![color=Purple]Text[/color][color=LimeGreen]Text[/color][color=Navy]Text[/color] [B]My Milage:[/B] [B]My Quit Date: [/B] 1/5/2007 [B]Smoke-Free Days:[/B] 2 [B]Cigarettes Not Smoked:[/B] 89 [B]Amount Saved:[/B] $12 [B]Life Gained:[/B] [B]Days:[/B] 0 [B]Hrs:[/B] 5 [B]Mins:[/B] 3 [B]Seconds:[/B] 59
17 years ago 0 613 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Welcome -- and congratulations on three days. We here know what a big deal three days is. I, too, quit on Chantix. In fact, I just finished up my 12 week program. I would agree with you that it is very helpful and I'm so glad I found it, as you did. I also have learned, though, that the one major thing that has made this quit successful is this: I finally understand that I'm a drug addict and the only way to quit smoking is to not smoke. Seems simple, huh? Obviously, it's not easy, but it is a very simple concept that is so critically important in making this work. You'll see this a lot on here -- NOPE -- Not One Puff Ever. Glad you're here. Hopefully you'll work the program on the left of the screen. It will help you tremendously. Let us know how we can help. Hope to hear from you again soon and see how you're coming along. Keep the faith. [B]My Milage:[/B] [B]My Quit Date: [/B] 10/8/2006 [B]Smoke-Free Days:[/B] 91 [B]Cigarettes Not Smoked:[/B] 3,678 [B]Amount Saved:[/B] $728 [B]Life Gained:[/B] [B]Days:[/B] 12 [B]Hrs:[/B] 0 [B]Mins:[/B] 41 [B]Seconds:[/B] 32
17 years ago 0 983 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
You are sooo welcome! I remember when I was at day 3 and I would see everyone with 30, 40, 50 and 60 days and honestly, I would think...wouldn't that be great to make it that long smoke free. My confidence in myself was shaky so early in the quit, but I took it one day at a time, as you should do to. This is all about you and nobody else...but if I can do it and other's in the SSC can do can you! You have a great attitude, hold on to that to get you through any rough lot's and post often. We are beating the nicoteen addiction, one day at a time. Kaiti [B]My Milage:[/B] [B]My Quit Date: [/B] 11/7/2006 [B]Smoke-Free Days:[/B] 62 [B]Cigarettes Not Smoked:[/B] 1,375 [B]Amount Saved:[/B] $341 [B]Life Gained:[/B] [B]Days:[/B] 5 [B]Hrs:[/B] 15 [B]Mins:[/B] 28 [B]Seconds:[/B] 4
17 years ago 0 983 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Congrats ecord....I'm so happy the Chantix is working for you...what ever it takes to beat this addiction. I'm also glad you found this site. It has saved my life. I'm almost 9 weeks quit now, and contribute my success to my desire to be smoke free and all the support and advice I have received on the SSC. So read lot's and post often, and protect your quit at all costs. Kaiti [B]My Milage:[/B] [B]My Quit Date: [/B] 11/7/2006 [B]Smoke-Free Days:[/B] 62 [B]Cigarettes Not Smoked:[/B] 1,375 [B]Amount Saved:[/B] $341 [B]Life Gained:[/B] [B]Days:[/B] 5 [B]Hrs:[/B] 15 [B]Mins:[/B] 27 [B]Seconds:[/B] 11
17 years ago 0 85 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Welcome ecord77 (77 is when my twins were born!) Congrats on finding this site. Read, read, read. All I can say..check my quitmeter (after 40 years of smoking) That says it all. This site rocks! [B]My Milage:[/B] [B]My Quit Date: [/B] 10/3/2006 [B]Smoke-Free Days:[/B] 97 [B]Cigarettes Not Smoked:[/B] 2,910 [B]Amount Saved:[/B] $800.25 [B]Life Gained:[/B] [B]Days:[/B] 12 [B]Hrs:[/B] 16 [B]Mins:[/B] 29 [B]Seconds:[/B] 51
17 years ago 0 1521 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
There's no doubt about it - quitting doesn't happen at once. The SSC has researched and have found that most people try to quit seven times before they succeed, and unsuccessful quit attempts, while frustrating, are actually part of the process of quitting. But not everyone tries quitting seven times. People who seriously prepare beforehand can successfully quit smoking - even on their first try. Your chances of quitting for good can increase if you view quitting as a journey, or a healing process that your body goes through. We suggest that you see quitting in this light rather than seeing it as an abrupt and uncomfortable change in your personal lifestyle. We welcome you to the SSC and look forward to hearing from you again soon. Melanie ____________________ The SSC Support Team

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