What is normal? Well, what you're going through is DEFINITELY normal!!! But I know that's not what you mean... you want to know when you will feel like YOU again. Well honestly, quitting changes us... I'm definitely not the same person I was when I was smoking... does that mean that I never returned to "normal?" Well, I guess in a way that's true, but that doesn't mean that I feel abnormal anymore... oh, I did for a long time. I know exactly what you mean when you say that you just don't feel like yourself. But now, it's different. How? Well, "normal" for me when I was smoking was to take a break from life every 20 minutes to feed my addiction... I now get to enjoy life without having to take a break from it. "Normal" used to be panicing if I didn't have cigarettes on me at all times... now, I rarely even think about them.
See, the reason you don't feel normal is because something that controlled who you were and what you did and every action and thought that crossed your mind is no longer in your life. Now, you get a chance to be YOU... but you're not quite sure who that is yet. That's OK. You'll figure that out. See, if you're like most of us, you started smoking when you were a teenager and have spent your entire adult life hiding behind a cigarette. Now, you can't hide anymore and you're left with... well... you! And that's great! Although it takes some getting used to. So I suggest you figure out who "you" are - take a pottery class or join the gym or take up rock climbing or something... something that you've always wanted to do, but cigarettes got in the way. Remember how you used to not go places because you were afraid that you couldn't smoke there, so you avoided things that secretly, you really wanted to do, but kept from doing because you were scared of withdrawals? Or you didn't do them because you weren't in shape and had breathing problems due to smoking? Well now's the time to do those things! I guarantee that if you go out and start living life and doing some of the things you've always wanted to do, the new "you" will start to feel normal again, and you'll understand what I mean about it being a different normal.
Right now, you're doing awesome! What you're going through is tough, but I promise that