I was worried about that too. I had two hard days when I switched from the 14 to the 7, similar but not as severe as my first week without cigarettes. Like mini-hell week. When I went off the patch completely, I was nervous and jittery and had a headache, but the cravings were still pretty low. I'd say I had one or two semi-bad craving days, but nothing like quitting at first. I was almost able to concentrate.
The first step down was harder than the second, and quit-week was harder than anything that followed. The depression of the fourth week was tough, but I didn't have major cravings. And that, too, passed. Now I'm patch-free and smoke free too, and I feel GREAT!
One of the things that helped me was knowing I could go back on the patch if I needed to, but wanting to get through the days without doing so.
Good luck!