Hi Sylvie,
in the past I have had mixed sucess ...
as a teen, I rebelled and found lots of gentlemen who were willing to risk an adventure ...
as a young adult I often immersed myself till I fizzed out - i was a full time student at Cegep and university, i worked 30 to 35
hour weeks aa a lifeguard and had my appartment and boyfriend.
then when school was out I would take courses in accounting, yoga, taichi, self-defense, swimming, teaching, philo, etc...
and work lots of over-time (45 hour weeks) and care for all my family - disabled mom, my sister, my children, my husband, etc.
now all I have is 37.5 hours of work (sometimes 45 hours) my two children and my husband. So I worry. I focus on what is
coming and make a mountain out of...
See ... I was able to accept being miserable in the past. It was normal for me. It was all I DESERVED. Now i understand I am
human like the rest of the people on earth and am allowed to enjoy life and be happy. Still, happiness is something that
escapes me. I feel like I live in a bowl of water, I look out and see others living! They are fuzzy and I know their environment is not
the same as mine. Between me and them is this something... water, clouds, fog, humidity, and air. Where does one layer stop and
the next begin? How do I jump out of the bowl? What is keeping me in here?
This is now my search... in the past I would sink to the bottom and give-up or I would run into the sides and jump uselessly...
so I never had a sucessful tactick. And I am trying to find some ways, but the self-help group only helped me to understand that
I am not alone. there are others who have this insufferable uncontrolled energy bubbling under the surface. There are times
when all is fine and others where we want life to end and still other times where we are condors!
I am afraid of being a condor. I want to fly and it takes all my will not to run off the side of the cliff in to the AIR !!! So I want to build a wall.
a wall of hobbies, of activites, of books. and I want to expend the energy so I will fall exhausted and be able to run. I do not know how to
just be a happy cat.