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16 years ago 0 35 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi. Me again. Confused, I was re-reading what you wrote as I'm still back and forth, back and forth.... Looking at things from the perspective you offered helps more than you could know. Thank you. I think I keep going back to the old relationship because of fear of being alone or of trying again in a new relationship. Tie that in with what I found helpful from the Success Stories thread - what would I decide if I didn't let my fears dominate.... it's an easy choice (just hard to not fall prey to the path of least resistance!). I'm still mulling over things that you've brought forward. I'll let you know how things go!
17 years ago 0 183 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Kera7 Good for you for realizing that your relationship wasn't positive and actually doing something about it. You're obviously strong and tuned into what's good for you and your kids. I think that a relationship should add something to both people's lives -- a thought that only just occurred to me a couple of years ago. No wonder I found relationships so exhausting! For myself, looking at why I wanted a relationship was a real mind shift -- what would a relationship add to my life? At that point, having a man in my life just seemed like too much work, but I realize now that that came from me giving too much of myself, supposedly to make him happy, and not accepting what he wanted to give me. I'm wondering for you if it's not so much a matter of not being able to trust other people, but more defining and defending your boundaries -- what you want to get and what you are willing to give -- for relationships. You sound as though you're looking for fun and companionship, but is another relationship worth the stress and anxiety that your ex would heap on you (and that you would heap on yourself, no doubt, in anticipation of the gossip and phonecalls!)? Answering yes to that question is fine, but then at least you're going into it with your eyes open and hopefully can do something to mitigate the gossip and phonecalls. If you decide that a relationship isn't worth the stress, there may be other ways to keep yourself from being alone and bored. You know all these things, I'm sure, like taking a class or joining a club. I find that volunteering in my areas of interest has helped me to meet some really good people and keeps my mind occupied and my values grounded. I'm not sure that it's such a good idea to look to another person to fill your life. Filling your life yourself with things that you like can be more rewarding and strengthen your sense of who you are. You are a wonderful, caring, smart woman -- jump into another relationship if you like, but do it because you want to, not because you just don't want to be alone. You deserve better than that. all the best Curious
17 years ago 0 3043 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Kera7, Thanks for sharing this experience here with us. Sounds like you have gained a lot of insight into your feelings and triggers for symptoms of your depression. This difficult situation does not have to be a repeat of the past. Fellow members will be responding soon with their thoughts on this. Take this slow - take some "you" time for yourself if you can. You may also want to take advantage of the Diary and program here to help you through this time. Journaling can be a great way to work through your feelings. Keep us posted, Casey ___________________________________ The Depression Center Support Team
17 years ago 0 35 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I left my boyfriend/fiance while dealing with this last (really tough) round of depression. I finally came to realize that every time I was around him my emotions would go off the deep-end (depression, anger, and agitated) resulting in self-sestructive behaviors. Now I'm out on my own - and not very good at being alone. I know I should wait and give myself time to mend, but keep seeming to jump right back in with both feet (another form a self-destructive behavior?). Otherwise, I seem to sit around and look at my four walls, and the depression grows. All of my "friends" from my past life/relationship seem to be really quick to gossip and anything I say or do, no matter how inconsequential, makes its way back to my ex resulting in phone calls from him leading to more anxiety. I'm starting to really feel myself distrust most people and withdraw... not a good sign.

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