You should consider being a therapist. You knew I wouldn't give up. I respect that about you and the challenges you present me with.
I know that part of this is because of the PTSD and part of it is what has repeatedly been said to me in a negative way over the years. Someone who's opinion mattered and whom I valued their opinion led me to change my usual way of thinking and replaced it with negatives like unsafe, fault, horrible, and negative what ifs. That in itself likely changed my core belief and made me question my ability to problem solve when dealing with stressful events or situations. It has also led to low self esteem along with the anxiety, panic attacks and agoraphobia. Dealing with an aggressive personality for a long period of time made me weak.
The good news is I'm paying attention to this now. There will be no sway of the negatives I have worked hard to change to positives. With this forum and the CBT, along with numerous books I've read, I can spot the manipulation, the subtle coercion, influence and the negative comments that I once believed as truth or let drag me down. I am taking a stand and taking control of my life regardless of this persons feelings. (That felt good to type/say) Now, it's all about changing the negative core belief so my automatic thoughts are positive and not based off someone elses influence.
I'm looking forward to driving tomorrow. I have my mental box prepared. My space, My time, no intrusions of negative people, worry talk or thoughts allowed.
That led me to