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9 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I've never been logged out of the site, but I do lose posts and have to retrieve them. Maybe it is how a Mac stores history that allows me to do this. Maybe next time I will go to history and look there. In the mean time I am glad I can retrieve them.

9 years ago 0 2508 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Ashley,
No error message..Just got logged out. Thanks for telling about the 20 minute time limit..
9 years ago 0 11221 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Red,

Is it that you are getting timed out or do you receive an error message. We do have a timer that logs people out if they have been inactive for 20 minutes. Sometimes this can happen while typing a post. To prep for this I often copy whatever I write before I press send to ensure I don't lose my text. It is not an ideal solution but it is the only one we have for the time being. Sorry for the frustration this has caused you. I have lost quite a few posts myself and I know how aggravating it can be.

Ashley, Health Educator
9 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

I lost another last night and had to go back. As soon as I get logged out I log back in while the site is still up. It has to be up and on the log in page. Then I go to the discussion I was on and hit reply again, I will get a blank reply. I hit the back up arrow till it goes back a half dozen pages to the previous reply. It goes back right through the log out from before carrying the log in with it. and when I find my post I'm logged in and can post it or add to it. Last night I finished my lost post and then posted it. 
It may be how a mac caches things that allows me to do this.If I leave the site it is lost for ever.

9 years ago 0 2508 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Ashley nice to see you on board today.
I had a medium sized post that I was ready to post asking you about some issues I am having with people pleasing but got logged out again before I could post it..This is very frustrating and is making it very hard for me to communicate here this is especially upsetting when I am trying to ask for advice and help.
I tried to sign back in and retrieve the post but couldn't find it..I guess it won't work on my pc..
Too bad! I give up..
9 years ago 0 2508 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Not to worry..No apology necessary.
I started this thread for all of us in the group so we could share our knowledge and experiences with each other and that's what we are doing so this is a very positive thing, you see. We are doing what a support group does..We're Sharing!
Knowledge is power...
9 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

I'm sorry for overloading this thread but it seem to have been the only place. I should have started another but thought at the time it would be a one comment post. I should have known better.  Again, I'm sorry if I have walked on you.

Sincerest apologies
9 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

The difference between humans and all other animals is the ability to think. so we don't need an inherited source of knowledge as do animals that stay with their parents for a very short time. Because we can think and because we have little inherited intelligence we are what we experience. The basis for core beliefs. With nothing but what we experience we build them. Experience is all the senses and every thing we are taught. The more something is repeated the stronger of a core belief it makes. If we have no reference to challenge a core belief it becomes true. Even if it isn't.
As we age we gather more information and now have a reference to use to challenge core beliefs. Things we believed true sometimes prove wrong. This shock is mental trauma. A common basis for anxiety disorders, all of a sudden it seems our world falls apart. Can we believe anything we see. Is anything we learned true. And thus begins the negative spiral. Challenging a believed negative is positive. challenging an unknown and getting no answer is a negative because it leaves us with an unknown that cycles around looking for an answer.
We have the ability to think. But what is thought? It is the sifting of information in memory for the most logical answer. Primary thought would be givens, like two and two make four. Associated would be like different kinds of an object. Car would be primary because we know what a car is. Associated would be different types and colours. 
We don't need all the different types of cars to think car, or dog or cat, but they are there if we have seen them somewhere. So if some one says porche we can see it. Where is this going? Associated memory is more damaging because there is more of it. Every thought has any number of similar thoughts in memory. Sitting on the side unless we need them such as being more specific. This is true for negative thoughts. Changing a negative thought gets rid of all the associated thoughts with it unless they are connected to another also. Getting rid of blue cars does not get rid of the colour blue because it is associated with other blue things. Same with thoughts. Blue becomes primary and cars becomes associated even though you have discarded cars. So to get rid of blue you would have to discard everything blue. Well you can't because as soon as you saw a blue car it would be back in memory. But if you had no interest in cars it wouldn't matter if it was blue. Same goes for negative thoughts. If they mean nothing to you then it doesn't matter if they happen. The only way they can mean nothing is if a positive means more to you. So attitude plays a big part in how well you change thought patterns. If you like red cars more than blue cars when you think cars you will think red cars unless there is a reason to think blue. So you also need a reason to think positive rather than negative.
Well you have one don't you? If you didn't you could change nothing. 
With core beliefs there are core thoughts that are associated with them. When you challenge a core belief and change it you also change anything associated with it that is not associated with anything else unless it is very similar to the core belief you changed. In which case it changes too. Core beliefs that are close such as ugly and stupid will change with each other This is interesting because it leaves you with a temporary feeling of a blank spot till the new core is established. It is a very strange feeling. Almost a sadness at the loss of something familiar. A sadness that you have wasted so much time with something wrong. It is too easy to go back. Don't, what is past is past, enjoy the present.
The thing with CBT is that once you establish a positive pattern it becomes automatic just as a negative one used to. 
And thus ends the panic attacks unless you give them a reason to exist. And this can happen and does as set backs but by this time they should be controllable and of little consequence. They are for me. There will always be triggers but by this time they usually are only concerns not worries. There is a big difference. Concern is having an answer worry is cycling because you don't have an answer. Make a decision and stick to it and worry disappears.


Ps I got logged out and had to go find this post again :-) .
9 years ago 0 219 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

I see in three dimensional. I can solve most all three dimensional puzzles. Visualization helps me learn. When I drew just a 3 sided triangle I did think of a pyramid with all sides, but only made a triangle. Now knowing this new information I can work harder at removing the negative worry thoughts and replace them with positive thoughts and affirmations. 
My thoughts cycle so rapidly, it's a challenge to change an associated memory quickly enough but I'm trying every time I can acknowledge the thought is wrong or misguided. Visualizing it really helps. Knowledge of how to change it with a visualization is really helping.
My doctor said last month she noticed a difference, but I could still feel an electrical current feeling inside me. Like a live electrical wire attached to me. I don't feel that now. It's gone. That means this CBT is working. Now to take care of those panic attacks I have awoke to by changing my thought patterns. Looking forward to doing more than just existing.

9 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Do you see things three dimensional or one sided and flat. I visualize all sides of an object if I know what the hidden sides look like. I did not know all people don't do this. I didn't know that this gave me more chance of information overload and a better imagination. I didn't know either that it made me a better problem solver because of my ability to hold more information. I also didn't know that it gave me a higher risk of accelerating panic because of a higher ability to access more negatives in memory and especially associated memory. Panic attacks for me were very bad. So knowing how the mind works and being able to visualize it as something mechanical made how to change thought patterns more obvious and especially more logical and doable. 

If you have as much determination as I had you will change and be very pleased with the results. Information is power. I'm still me. My doctor said though that I have changed, He said I'm happier and more positive. He asked if I dyed my hair too because for some reason I have less grey. I am happier and have an easier time with stress, often just shrugging it off. I really hope everyone can do this CBT because it really made a difference. Even at my best before I was just existing, now I'm living and enjoying it.


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