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Boy..that was LOOOONG

10 years ago 0 12049 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thank you for sharing your story with us. There are many people within this support group that share the same questions and concerns as you. We are all a group of individuals who support each other.

If you look to the left of the screen under "TOOLS" you will find many supportive tests. These tests are not diagnostic tools and are not a replacement or substitute for a physician's advice. The purpose of these tests is to prepare you with information that you can present to your physician. When you're finished the test, you can either print your Final Report or email it directly to your doctor.

We see that you are already working through the program. This program is 12-weeks and involves the tools mentioned above. Each session is based on the previous session, so we strongly advise that you work slowly through the program and not jump ahead.

These tests may or may not be for you but they are "free". If you have any question or concerns with our “TOOLS”, you can contact us at We are the Support Specialist for The Panic Center and are open to any questions or concerns you may have.

Use the forums for questions, support and knowledge.  As you can already see the members are very helpful and supportive.
Keep pushing forward!

Josie, Health Educator
10 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Jenn,
Sorry if I mistook you for someone else, but it's hard to keep track of people jumping from thread to thread.  The facilitators did start one on session 6, so I see you're interested.
Hope they help, as they've helped me!  If you're working through on your own, that shows promise.  I wish I had that perseverance.
10 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

CPAP is a machine that keeps a persons airway open with low pressure air so they can't stop breathing at night. It prevents apnea. But a saturation of carbon dioxide can force it into areas where it doesn't belong and cause pain.

Oh I bet you have welding stories. I sure do. I came here to hobby farm in the mountains but of course had to work. The view is lovely but it makes damn thin soup. To get work driving equipment in the bush I had to be willing to keep it held together. So to get the view and the fresh air I would be breathing smoke after work welding up their crap so they could get more time out of it. Off season I welded. I got a chance to fall trees and parked the welder and for 14 years never looked back. I still drove equipment but refused to weld on it anymore. I was known as welder dave till another welder dave moved into the valley. Now I'm known for my woodwork.

From the time we are born we start loading up our brain with experiences and information that we will use in the future not only to tell us how to do something but why. A baby doesn't walk because it knows how it does it by association, It sees it. It hears it. Where as animals are born with every thing they need to survive we are born with very little. The first 11 month we build emotions and attachments. How we feel. Happy, sad brave, scared. We get all of these from our surroundings and interactions. Filling the front part of our brains where they are stored. And hopefully we were lucky enough to have a stable first year so they are stored in the right places. The next six years we store experiences that will build who we will be. The foundation that we build on. Like a filling cabinet. Most of the abilities we will need will be built and we will just be putting new experiences into existing files. How to weld is not a lot different from how to spread peanut butter. (slight exaggeration) More like draw a straight line. Filed in the same area and having connections. This is how theory works. Using those connections to find the answer to something we don't know by looking at similar situations. Remember this ability, it is not only important because it separates you from your dog in how you think but it is a very big reason for panic attacks.
When welding we use theory to know what is going to cause tension and how to relieve or prevent it. It doesn't matter if it is a a bridge or a crawler tractor, the common is steel. Bridges and cats are associated. you see steel first, cat second a junk after which sends you back to associated memory for information on the last junk you welded. All these memories are tied to one thought, steel. Damn, this was all subconscious and happening close to the speed of light. You didn't need to know this to do it. Just do it. 
Okay that is simple enough and a sign of intelligence is how fast you can do this. How fast you can look at things unconsciously and let them go only keeping what you want at the surface. 
Then along comes a trigger that starts sending you on unwanted searches and keeps unwanted thoughts at the surface. Every thing you ever experienced is in memory we just don't normally use the bad experiences for anything but knowledge. But they are there still. In anxiety and panic disorders they become important enough to focus on.
Why is complex in that there are a few different reasons. Which will take a whole other page.
Something to think about. Emotions for the most part have nothing to do with the situation. They trigger past experiences and the more experiences the stronger the emotion. 
Your dad is a trigger, everything you know about him is experience. How you feel toward him is based not only on this but on similar situations only remotely connected. A lot of information that you process unconsciously and which says to laugh or cry. Everything is a trigger, some negative, some positive.

10 years ago 0 32 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Invited me to the program on another thread?? I am not sure what you mean??

I have been working through the modules in my tool box….other than that I'm lost...
10 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Jenn,
Sorry about my reference to Cpap, and elaborating on 02 levels.  I'm really too self-absorbed.  Cpap is for sleep apnea, a disease I once had before I lost weight, and don't use it anymore.  The oxygen issue is something people check when blood pressure is checked.
To support you, I'm a worry wart too.  Today I went to church, 2 minutes away by walking.  While at church it was hard to focus, since my head filled with petty little issues.
With help outside, and this forum, those issues have diminished and I'm beginning to see some rewards.  One is that I was able to lose 30 pounds plus and am strong enough to shovel snow with more strength, even though I'm aging.
I think the facilitators have invited you to the program on another thread, and I'd support your working, at your pace.  Outside help is great if you can afford it too, since it sounds you were living vibrantly until recently.  Outside help can tailor things to your needs, and deal with confidential issues. 
I liked soldering, and even used my gun for a short time for wood etchings, in a kit.  And you can use heat to cut Styrofoam, I found out.  I have so much respect for skilled trades!  What would the cities, towns of the world be without you?   Wished I could have taken one trade, though...
10 years ago 0 32 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
You know, Davit, I had to chuckle when you mentioned welding.
I am a welder in BC and I thought…ahhhh…finally….someone I can relate to ha ha

(insert serious face here…not allowed to be laughing with a mental illness,,,  ahem..forgive my momentary indiscretion )

Soo..what is CPAP?
My 02 level whilst in hospital last week was 98%
CBT???cognitive behavioural therapy?

It is not so much the random "hurting myself" thoughts that are bad anymore……its the constant worry of health issues, particularly,  my heart.  The googling, the checking, the constant obsessing.  I really don't feel well…dizzy, headaches, low blood pressure ( says the doctor).  

Up until a few months ago, i was extremely active.  2 mile hikes/snowshoes daily with my dog, downhill skiing, mountain biking, paddle boarding, lifting weights 3 days a week.  Now, I'm afraid to go through my front door and getting groceries is a big challenge.  If i don't actually have a heart problem , i think i am going to give myself one through worry.

Wanna hear a funny story??  well..not too funny..i need to be serious.
I talked to my dad last night about how i was feeling.  He is now stressed and worried that "he" did this to me and is so terribly upset about it.  Now I'm upset, that he is upset.  Round and round it goes!!!!
10 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hope you stay with the forum, as long as you need us.  Maybe you'll help us out when we have those life crises that are part of everyone's life.
Mine is 98 usually, using an oxymeter.    I should test it after shovelling snow.  I noticed that  the rare gym member uses a strap, but I have enough gadgets in my life.  Using it during winter is something I've thought about.  For once I'm not going to push myself, despite the selfish neighbours who have no concept of boundries, and others' needs to go places. 
I'm going to let the bylaw officer deal with any violations, and if I'm wrong, I'll suck it up.
I feel sore in my lower back, and used a massager and have a heat pad.  Going to church isn't going to help, since there's so much sitting.  Some people actually stand when we're kneeling, and it's probably better.
10 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

I used to sell welding supplies. The only difference between welding oxygen and medical is how clean the tanks are. Oxygen is an anti anxiety. It gets rid of hangovers and does make one think clearer. I know for a fact you can buy it and the flow meter you would need but certainly can not recommend it. I know you can buy oxygen generators also. 

My O2 Sat. is 98 to 100 so  I would never qualify for home oxygen. Do you know what yours is? 
The only known side effect of CPAP is a possible build up of carbon dioxide that gets on the wrong side of the lung causing pain.


I have a very good Therapist who for the last few years has been teaching me how the brain works so I could better understand why I had panic attacks. This is beyond CBT and a lot of it was eye openers. Some of it I would never have thought could be but it is documented, just not well known and some not even outside of universities. Some is not on the internet. I'm not surprised you would be confused. She said only a few really understand it even though it is very simple. If you follow CBT techniques to change any negative thinking to positive you will get relief and live as normal of a life as is possible with your ability to use the skills without ever knowing why the brain works as it does. In other words knowing why you get the thoughts you do. For me though I wanted to go the extra step and know why. I find it very interesting and for me helpful. For most, not necessary. 

Any questions you have I will try to answer. In as many ways and as often as needed. The object is to get better no matter how long or how many tries it takes. because CBT does work. I am fine now and would like to see everyone else the same. Life without anxiety or panic is great.

10 years ago 0 32 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thank you so much for your response, Davit.  
However, I am now more confused than when I started my post??!!
10 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Absolutely not.  I know I can't express my gratefulness, although I might be grumpy tomorrow, with all the shovelling I'll have to do.
I'm trying to revive my cpap machine, instead of buying a humidifier.  But it seems that cleaning the darn thing daily might be pain.  A good humidifier just is "fill and go to sleep".
I also wonder if cpap has any side effects....too bad I can't get some oxygen hookup, so it could help my brain function better.  It actually is compatible with oxygen!

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