Hi hugs.
I quit using boards as a barrier because they rot. In fact I don't use the plastic anymore because the grass goes under it.
I use sunlight. A narrow tapered trench the depth of an edging tool works best. Say three inches wide at the top. Roots won't cross this. Any dirt or grass clippings I wash into the trench off the walk. It only takes minutes to maintain it. Great for flower beds in the middle of lawns. Lots of pictures on the net.
It is raining today so I will be mostly in my green house with dashes outside when it is not too bad. I'm glad I set out the winter squash yesterday, it will benefit from the rain. I do wish I had put out the seeds for summer squash though. I was just too tired and today would have been wasted. So today it is Tomatoes and some transplants to bigger pots. I have herbs that need this. Might actually put them in the ground if I can find a spot. That is getting to be a problem.
Bought gas for the tractor to mow the grass around the buildings too but didn't do it. I could have, driving the tractor is not hard. Sun may peek through and I will do it. Grass doesn't have to be dry for that mower.
House work is getting in the way of my outside work and I'm getting behind but still it has to be done first. With just me here I'm seriously thinking of putting in buckwheat for green manure to till under. Over the years the gardens have got bigger till now they are around six thousand square feet. I really should let one go back to grass but can't seem to let go.
Just a mental quirk, we all have them. I eat less as I get older, I could grow less. I still plan to remove four fruit trees. No one can be bothered to come pick. Except the bears.
So time to get at it.