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12 years ago 0 1853 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Camiol, 
I am so glad to hear how you're day ended - especially after being provoked by your supervisor.   You've proven to yourself that your willpower is stronger than your addiction.  Remind yourself of this when the desire to drink feels overwhelming - you are absolutely right in that drinking will not resolve the issues but only make you feel worse.  Continue to stay strong! 
12 years ago 0 616 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Well most of my workday went pretty good until about 15 minutes before the end of the day.  My supervisor made the stupidest comment that really got me in a state of anger and I let her have it with both barrels.  Trust me you have to know this woman to understand why I'd snap on her.  Anyway, on the way home I had intended to have a cold beer or glass of wine.  I quickly realized that it would make me feel better for now but tomorrow I would feel worse.  I poured myself a club soda and cranberry cocktail.  I feel proud of myself for not caving in to the desire to have a drink.  

I plan to go get myself a couple nice summer dresses as a reward this weekend Ashley.  

Thank you JonnB, best of luck to you too.  
12 years ago 0 8 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Camiol,
I just read your thread.  We seem to be the newest people on here and have similar family histories.  I am retired but when I was working I always controlled my intake on weeknights knowing I had to get up in the morning.  Things went downhill after I retired and got progressively worse to the point that I was barely functioning.
My magic number is two drinks.  I can stop after that.  If I have a third I can feel myself losing contol.  Your magic number may be two, one or zero.  Can you tell your friend who came over what your limit is?  She may respect that limit and help you to not exceed it.
I respect the other comments, too.  Maybe you will decide it is best if you don't drink on Fridays at all.  If you drink to relieve stress you may find the stress the next day is worse than the stress you were trying to relieve.  That has been my case.
Best wishes, John
12 years ago 0 11219 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Camiol,
What is making you want to cut back? It sounds like you have lots of reasons. Read through this thread to remind yourself, write your reasons down and keep it somewhere where you can read it often. Drinking will just result in more guilt and more stress. Don't let your impulses convince you otherwise. Plan a nice reward for yourself tomorrow for getting through today. Plan a reward for the end of the week. You can do this. These feelings are normal; fight through them!

Ashley, Health Educator
12 years ago 0 616 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I seem to be having the urge to drink and occasionally I get thoughts in my head that when I get home from work, I'll have a drink.  I then remind myself of my goal to only drink on Fridays if abstinence is not in the cards for me right now.  I am worried that tonight will be a struggle for me, if anyone reads this please provide some words of encouragement and advice to keep me from reaching for that wine glass.  
12 years ago 0 616 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Mroz....congratulations on 15 days, that's awesome.  I thankfully didn't drink every day but I did drink 3-4 days a week and when I start I can't stop.  It doesnt lessen my problem just because O didn't drink on a daily basis.  I am seriously considering abstaining from all alcohol now.  I am taking things one day at a time right now and finding things to keep me busy during my usual drinking hours.  I will see how I feel about having drinks this Friday.  I just need to get through the work week from hell without having a drink.  One day at a time. 
12 years ago 0 26 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
That sounds great Camiol. Breaking the repetition has helped me, and my drink of choice at the moment is mineral water with a slice of fresh lime. I too have gone from being a drinker who could have a few drinks here and there, to drinking every day, to drinking heavily every day, not being able to stop.
I've only been abstaining for 15 days, but it feels like the circuit breaker I needed. Whether I go back to drinking occassionally remains to be seen - at the moment my goal of abstinence, one day at a time, is working well.
Good luck with just drinking on Fridays, but if it doesn't work initially, maybe total abstinence, one day at a time, might work for you too?
12 years ago 0 616 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I'm feeling pretty confident today that I can get through the upcoming week without having a drink.  At this moment I feel like I can stick to my goal of only having alcohol on Fridays.  I bought myself a case of club soda and a bottle of low calorie cranberry juice and a bottle of lime juice.  It makes a wonderful light drink and it has helped me stay away from drinking when I would decide not to drink on certain days of the week.  It will be my drink of choice this week and hopefully that being coupled with determination, will be enough to help me through the "I want a drink" moments.
12 years ago 0 616 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
  What I'd like to know is how I went from being an occasional drinker to an alcoholic and I didn't even see it coming?  I remember a couple years ago I was so angry at my coworker, she had gone off work for a few months on what I called "drunk leave".  I could not understand how anyone could be physically addicted to alcohol.  It just didn't make sense to me.  I thought it was and I still believe it was her choice to not come to work and just drink all day.  I am definitely a functioning alcoholic as you pointed out in one of your earlier posts.  I agree, I can't have just one, when I get that first drink into me, my body does crave more.  
12 years ago 0 1562 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hey Camiol,
  What you are experience is what we in AA call "the phenomenon called carving" which happens after we put the 1st drink in the body. I always wanted to have good time so I would start of with a 20 oz of beer (those long bottles you find at the gas stations/package stores). But after I consume that, I will make several trips back to the store and end of the day I would have drank way more than I wanted to have. Fortunately for me I never got a DUI. This craving does not happen in normal drinkers. They can always stick to a drink or two. The only solution is abstinence. 

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