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I must go through the panic?

8 years ago 0 3 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I seem to not have panic attacks unless I get out of my comfort zone. If I get nervous and feel one coming on I can turn around and it goes away. My problem is worrying bout have an attack. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
8 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

I have found a lot of followers of Claire weeks quoting going through the panic and other techniques like floating. 
She was pre CBT yet still very popular. I find her therapy too much like forcing and personally think CBT is a better answer. But that is just my opinion. A lot of people disagree with me and that is their right. 

8 years ago 0 11219 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Megan,

I have trouble with anyone using the word "must". There are many different therapies for anxiety disorders and sometimes certain therapies work for one person and not another. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy has the most research base - meaning more people get well using CBT (according to research) then any other therapy.  Graded exposure is a technique within CBT that prompts the client to gradually work up the fear ladder and expose themself to whatever they fear in a controlled manner. In this case, you would not need to "go through panic" nessesarily. Alternatively, flooding is a technique where the client exposes themselves to what they fear at high levels and using coping strategies to deal with the fear. This would be considered "going through panic" I think. Also, within this program we teach to be comfortable with certain body sensations that occur when we are anxious. This is like exposure just for body sensation - one can argue that this is "going through the panic" as well. That all being said Red makes a great point - you get to decide what you want to do and what is helpful. Find what works for you and be wary of anyone using "must" statements when they are talking about treatments.
I would be interested to hear why it is argued that we must go through panic?

Ashley, Health Educator
8 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

I believe I came across a post of yours on another site. One where they gave you, if it was you, half an answer and a referral to their book. 
For everyones information Amygdala does not cause an adrenaline rush it requests a solution from Hypothalamus and Hypothalamus requests the Adrenaline rush from Pituitary which passes it on. Hypothalamus causes all your symptoms not Amygdala. Amygdala uses it's memory to make the request to panic or contemplate. Not all negative thoughts cause panic or an Adrenaline rush. Some negative thoughts only cause anxiety. 
You are better off getting information from the net that has referrals to professionals working in the field or in research. This information can be cross references to studies done on the subject and are not one mans opinion as are so many books. So what about my opinion? I don't have one. I have information gathered and checked out thorough. My only opinion is that very little information attached to a book is accurate or complete. 

8 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
What ever protocol you choose you must follow it to the letter. No shortcuts. If Claire says you have to ride out the panic then that is what you do. It doesn't matter a hill of beans what I think since it isn't my protocol. All you can do with any protocol is try it. The other thing you can do is share your experience. That is the only way you will know if it works.

8 years ago 0 2508 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Only you can answer this question for it is a very personal thing. First off I want to say I am not trying to hijack you thread but you asked a question and I am sharng my experience with you which is a kind of exposure for me in it's self. This is a support group and we try to support each other in the forum here. If this upsets you please let me know. I am truly sorry and I a will not respond on your threads again. When I first started doing exposure work I took it in small doses. I would go to the mall and find a bench and sit there for say 20 minutes until the panic subsided some what. I used the breathing exercises they recommend on the site here. I also used a technique that I learned from Davit. If I became overwhelmed when out in a crowd I would take one object and zero in on it, like a tile on the floor or object sitting on a shelf. This would center me as a positive distraction. Then I would repeat the same exposure on another day and stay for longer each time. Now I can go to the mall if I want to I just choose not to. I have not read Dr. Weekes books so I can not comment on her methods. I have only used the CBT program and support group on the site here and it has helped me a lot. Ashley is one of the Educators on the site and she checks in about once a week. She may have some more specific answers for you. I am not cured per say but my life is so much better the it used to be. I was even able to start taking a Quilting class a few years ago because of the support and program here and have been able to do things I never thought I would ever be able to do....Good luck to you...Red...
8 years ago 0 121 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Someone I talked to (via online) said they were cured by Dr. Weekes, but that in order to be cured I must go through the panic.

Must I go through panic attacks when out? I just strongly feel that would do me far more harm than good.

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