I can't post a diagram or I would post the thought triangle. It works like this. First you have to know that all thought and action passes through memory first before it becomes a solution or reaction. When you do anything, be it look, ask, or feel (first corner) it passes through a survival control to see if it is dangerous. You don't notice this or feel it unless it is. A lot of thoughts are discarded here as unimportant such as peripheral vision and traffic noise. Those that do get through go to Episodic memory for instruction. Episodic memory is where past experience and emotions re stored and it gives you the appropriate solution to the query. This gets passed on to Procedural memory for an action. (third corner of the triangle. Between the second and third corner you can change your thought or reaction based on stored information, new or old. What ever the thought, solution or action it cycles back to the other two corners. To the first to stimulate the next query. To Episodic memory, the second corner as an update. and the whole process starts over again.
Millions of these happen every second without our input or feeling them, unless Episodic memory doesn't have an answer, then it uses Semantic memory ( associated) to make a guess. With worry the answer or solution is not satisfactory so it cycles round and round between the second and third corner till it finds one or some more powerful question stops it. Often with no satisfactory update in Episodic memory for next time. and a potential to stimulate the first corner to revisit the worry.
Worry has a choice, no answer or too many answers. Change worry to concern. Concern has one answer only even if it is wrong. Concern doesn't cycle because there is a solution and an update for Episodic memory. If the solution proves to be wrong then it can be changed next time the question comes up.
So next time you start to worry change it to concern and give it one answer and only one answer and drop it. Even if you have to move on to another concern to do this. And there will be another concern since worry is all about fear and that survival control will give you one of the ones it normally discards. This by the way is called distraction, this adding another concern. Try to use a pleasant distraction. Keep it positive.
Going to post this so I don't lose it. Raw the triangle on paper and it makes more sense. It is on the internet but not always accurate.