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Generalized anxiety disorder

12 years ago 0 12 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Ashley,
yesterday i had the first appointment with my psychiatrist and he told me the same thing you just wrote about. Specailly the part about a lot of people dealing with it at some point in there life some more and some less. He said the same thing. And it gives me somewhat a good feeling. Because Anxiety is still a topic people arent open about which is sad. Since my first panic attack in november ive been open about it and still am. And i am suprised how positive people react to it. 

Generalized anxiety disorder is what i am dealing with it most of the time. And what u wrote about it, i can totally relate to! The symptoms u listed are exactly what i am experiencing when i get an attack. Its very important to understand where anxiety is coming from and the reasons why we have it, and also to accept it and face the issue!
 I believe we also tend to put ourselves under lots of pressure and need to have it perfect at all times. well i can only speak for myself but i believe this behaviour was also part of why i am in this situation now.
12 years ago 0 11214 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Anxiety disorders are very prevalent in our society, about 23% of the population will experience some form of increased anxiety and worry that impairs their normal functioning at some point in their lifespan. Throughout the course of the next few weeks we will take a look at various forms of anxiety; causes, characteristics and treatment. As usual please feel free to ask any questions, share your experiences or comment.

Generalized anxiety disorder is typically associated with excessive and chronic worrying that lasts for a period of at least six months. The anxiety is ‘free-floating’ and can not be attributed to on any single source. Those who experience generalized anxiety disorder are likely to worry about very minor things and life in general.

Commons symptoms are:
- High pulse and respiration rates
- Chronic diarrhea
- A need to urinate frequently
- Chronic digestive problems
- Trouble sleeping
- Easily irritated
- Spend a lot of time worrying about the future
Ashley, Health Educator

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