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13 years ago 0 11213 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi everyone,
Well I normally shouldn't do this because we don't allow members to post links due to spamming and virus concerns but I find these links really helpful and wanted to share them with you.
Teebs, for natural sounds (not whales, sorry) I use  It is an ongoing recording of a rainstorm.  I find it really helpful when I try to sleep.
I also use  They have tons of music and you can just click on classical and hear a random mix.  
Sunny, I have read Baroque music decreases blood pressure and actually improve the capacity to learn! 
Dizzy, I cannot confirm that music can change brain waves but it seems very logical that it would.  

Ashley, Health Educator
13 years ago 0 118 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

When I want distraction, I listen to pop, R&B, something with an up temple. However, I have just recently discovered that classical music cause, your brain waves to different from when you listen to rock and roll. Perhaps Ashley you could confirm this or not. Therefore, I use YouTube a lot, because I am able to get whatever I want. I have built up a list for these occasions above. I pretty much just typed in the top 100 classical music songs and built my list from there. I recognize most of them when I built my list (Probably because my mother was a pianist of classical music). I find when I close my eyes and I am in an unreality situation where everything seems hard to concentrate on like reading or writing that I am able to listen to the classical music and set in my mind the difference between the unreality feeling and the music. I do not know why but when I close my eyes and concentrate on the music I sense no unreality or confusion that when listing to it as compared to what I would experience when I am working.

13 years ago 0 1665 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi:  I like baroque music, lets me think and feel a part of it.  I still like the old standby, Vivaldi's Four Seasons.
I also like an oldie, it is electronic music by Tomiko (Japanese I think) and he performs Debussey's Claire de Lune.  I think it originally was done for space music.  You feel like you are floating. 
13 years ago 0 286 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
It's funny you posted this today, as I was just thinking of starting a thread about this very topic. I really hope others chime in, as I'm looking for some new music suggestions.
One thing I like listening to when I'm anxious are audio tracks of natural sounds, especially whale calls/songs and water/waves. I also like country music. Often I'll find a song that really resonates with an emotion I've been having and I'll sing along to it in the car, which is not only a good release but helps me make sure I'm breathing properly when I'm anxious.
13 years ago 0 11213 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Music can have a great influence on our mood.  What genre or artists do you listen to when you are feeing anxious?  What music do you try to avoid?

Share any favourite artists or songs that may have helped you along the way.

Ashley, Health Educator

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