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remembering the past

13 years ago 0 356 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Davit, this made me think - I am having an avalanche of memories lately. That might explain the appearance of angry dragons lately too.  How do you cope when too many memories come at once like that sometimes. Relaxing distractions like hobbies or something to do to getout some of that energy I would guess? Honestly some days lately I cannot write down all my negative thoughts like we are supposed to in weeks 1 and 2 because it feels like each memory brings iwth it many negative thoghts, I can't get them all down in time.
Do people write down all their negative thoughts throghot the program? Is this something I should plan to do until I simply have fewer of them to write down? 
Yes I am feeling a bit lost today. these questions probably seem quite obvious, and by tomorrow will probably seem obvious to me too once I get back to feeling a bit better.

13 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

During my worst period I quit taking vitamin B12 because for me it brings back long term memories very strongly and I was hiding from them not knowing they were the cause of some core beliefs I had to deal with. Now I want those memories. They can not hurt me any more. I want to look at the things that bother me and know why. I want to be free of all those chains.

Here for you.
your friend
13 years ago 0 11213 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thank you for sharing this memory with us Sunny!
It was nice to get a small glimps into your past.
What about this memory is important for you?  What do you think made this memory surface now?

Ashley, Health Educator
13 years ago 0 1665 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I have had trouble remembering birthdays when I was young so this surprised me.  This morning when waking up a memory of a party given for me when I was about 9 yrs. old was drifting in my mind.  I remembered enough of it that when I woke up more of it presented itself.  It was in France and a girlfriend gave me a surprise birthday party - or it could have been a going away party as in those days, families moved in the summertime before school would start.  I remember one gift I received, a small embroidered handkerchief from Switzerland.  Then after that memory, I remembered my father had forgotten my birthday in France (not the same day as this party)  he came home late after dinner and gave me some francs, because he didn't have a gift.  We were alone in the living room, I think mom was in the kitchen.  I was very shy with him and said thank you.  No hug or kiss, but he was smiling.  Interesting.

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