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50 shades of violence

11 years ago 0 177 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Hugs,

It's always hard to ask for help. Those few months I didn't post on this website was a time much similar to what you've described. I thought I couldn't tell anyone what was happening because they wouldn't believe me and think I was crazy. 

With routine tasks seeming uncertain, i found taking each day bit by bit helped me. Maybe you could have a bit of an unwind time before bed? Taking a bath, listening to calming music or having a cup of tea might help you feel at ease after stressful days so you can sleep better. My bruxism got to the stage where I could hardly open my jaw and fit a teaspoon in my mouth. I've heard about these bruxism guards you can buy online which are affordable and meant to be good, I'm thinking about ordering one soon. They're called StressGard, and there's American store too called TotalGard they're the same thing though.

I hope things get better for you soon, and find time to do the things you enjoy as Josie said :)

11 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thanks Josie,
It's hard to ask for help, and it was hard to post this.  It's been harder to support others this winter's end, and this beginning of spring, although winter was mostly okay.
I'll say I rested today, and lowered my expectations.  Tomorrow I have to see a dentist for a cleaning, and scheduled a massage after.  I went for a walk today, after feeling inspired by a quote by poet Wallace Stevens who said "...sometimes the truth is in a walk around the lake...". 
Tomorrow after the massage, I'll find time for a workout, and get some food shopping in.  Maybe I'll find something to buy which would be good for a comfort recipe.  I found a great place to buy fresh pasta, and shared some delicious dumplings stuffed with spinach and ricotta.  There's joy even during hard times, to my surprise.
I did write one of those cathartic letters, so I felt better even though I didn't send it.
I did get to see someone this morning, but I was so out of sorts, that I think that all I could see was my pain, without hearing what was said to me.
It's raining and I look forward to some rest, since the last couple of nights weren't restful as I wished.
Rain is so restful.
11 years ago 0 12049 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
You absolutely can pick up these pieces, one at a time!  Where is the time you set aside for you?  I know it may not be clinical advice, but in order to feel good about you, you need to do something for you!
You have recognized that this for it was, a bad time.  Create a new time for you and only you.
Josie, Health Educator
11 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I've had a rough week, or couple of weeks, at the tail end of my mom recovering from something herself.
My bruxism was bad, so I wake with headaches.  My hands are falling asleep as I type more with this stress,and even my foot fell asleep.  My digestion is messed up, and when I was vulnerable, I put myself in a situation I regret.  A family visit had me feeling like I was being attacked in a wrestling ring, without any defence, like one of those one-sided duels.
Even routine things are unclear, like feeling I was overcharged at the pharmacy.  It's almost not worth it going back.  They're all hopped up on espresso at that pharmacy, since they got one of addictive coffee machines, making the staff wired.
And I'm not sleeping well because I've never figured out how to dim the bright light from outside.
I feel like the childhood character of "Humpty Dumpty" falling off the wall, and wondering if I can pick up all these pieces?

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