You are a success! Education and money, to some people, are what's important. I think doing what makes you happy and feel satisfied are what really matters. I tried for higher education, myself, and had anxiety through the roof of course, and the problem is that I am an artist, not a mathematician. In order for me to get a higher degree, I would have to take higher math courses and I was struggling in the remedial class. So, why torture myself, when I can accept that I'm an artist not a math whiz. I think this is a new and positive start for you. I accept you for who you are, and more importantly, I hope you can accept yourself for who you are. I don't know why society has such levels of what's worthwhile and good, like more money, bigger house, etc. It's really the quality of life. I would much rather do something less stressful, which is a success, than to stress myself out doing what I think others think I should do. I am honestly and truly impressed with your decision, because it's hard to take a stand for what you want in the critical eyes of others. I know they're not bad, they're just not understanding. I think this is great for you and bravo for being strong and doing what you want. You are a role model and a hero to me. Keep up the good work and I think everything will get better, because you're doing what you want and others will eventually come around. Any time we do something, that is considered different by other's, there's a temporary adjustment for all involved, including yourself. I'm really, really proud of you. Keep up the great work and hold your head high. There is no reason not too. I really mean that.