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11 years ago 0 177 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Shari,

You're welcome, I'm glad I could help in some way :)
And it's good I didn't sound harsh.

Good luck with it all,
11 years ago 0 1071 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Kaitie,

Thank you for your insightful thoughts.  You are very kind and helpful.  I will definitely answer the questions you posed and also revisit session 4.  You didn't come off as harsh at all.  Thank you for your supportive post.  I really appreciate you.


11 years ago 0 177 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

This sounds like such a difficult experience. The relationship between parent and child is possibly the most complex of all. Although what your daughter said was hurtful for you, I'm sure it was hard for her to say it. This situation must be exhausting for all involved.

Right now, I think it might help to take everyone else out of the equation. I'm sure whatever you decide, they will support you. But what exactly is it that you want? What would you do differently, if it weren't for whatever is holding you back?

If your goal is to be more independent, financially or otherwise, how do you achieve this? Maybe you could do some exposure work for this. You could move away all by yourself and cut everyone else off, but this is probably not the best idea. Maybe it's time to revisit session 4 ;) Gradual steps!

I hope what I've said doesn't seem too harsh, that's certainly not my intention. Eventually, I will have to do this myself. I'm 18 now. As hard as it will be, and as it is for you now, sometimes you do have to make those hard decisions to follow your dreams. I'm sure everyone will respect you for this.

All the best,
11 years ago 0 1071 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I love you Hugs and Sunny and I appreciate you both so much!  Hugs, your P.S. made me cry happy tears and thanks for the cake icon.  Re: long as I don't say "foiled again", I'll be okay :)  Sunny, thanks for your supportive words.  When I first started this thread, I was so embarrassed.  I'm frustrated with my situation and I'm sure my friends and family are frustrated with me and my fear, indecision, and playing a broken record of my woes.  The problem never gets solved, that's why every so often it rears it's ugly head again.  And, it won't change until I change, either my situation or my perspective.  I have a lot of issues with self esteem and fear of not being able to take care of myself and was raised by Italians who raise their children to be overly dependent on people.  Side note:  George went to Japan Express for me and brought home a lunch of chicken terriyaki, edamame, a maki roll and fried dumplings with soy sauce.  After lunch, George and I went to the book store together. We agreed not to argue and to be peaceful with each other.  We know where we stand.  I bought two self help books.  Sometimes I wish I never took the college Psychology class, because I learned how to analyze things and I was much happier when I was ignorant.  And, I wish I could be free of self help books, and just think I'm okay as I am.  I don't know anyone else who puts so much effort into trying to constantly improve themselves, with the exception of this support group who works hard at overcoming panic and anxiety, agoraphobia, and other fears.  Back to the books, I remembered what Hugs said on the Quote for the Day thread about being stuck, so I bought a book, called, "Getting Unstuck", by Karen Casey.  Then in the co-dependency/addiction section, I bought a book called, "Language of Letting Go", by Melody Beattie.  I thought it may help me with not being so attached to my daughter, although George and my parents think it's natural for me to feel that way.  I also have big trust issues, I think that's why it's hard for me to trust God sometimes, because I only have people to compare Him too which is wrong, I know.  Bottom line is I don't trust myself and my abilities, whether it be decision making, or being able to take care of myself.  I've never been financially independent and it scares me.  I didn't realize I had all of this to get off my chest, but thanks for listening.  I'm glad I have you all as friends or I would be unable to make it through the rough patches in life.  

11 years ago 0 1665 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Shari:  Oh darn, just when things were going well.  I'm glad you are waiting until March.  One thing I've learned is to not make a life changing decision when all worked up.  I think Ashley is correct in saying to trust your intuition.  When I'm all worked up though, I don't trust it and don't know what to do exactly but like you have some sort of plan.  I still get confused.  I just know making a life changing decision is difficult when there is fear of change.  A giant step forward is scary when you aren't sure what's next.  Changing it to a positive is thinking of it as an exciting time to learn and rely on self.  We know we are strong and we can do it.  
Thinking of you,
11 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Ps.  Then you change the thread to "I'm well done" after George agrees to your terms& conditions to sell
11 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Shari,
I knew there was trouble when I saw your thread title "I'm done".
I'm just getting over yesterday, when I had a road rage incident, some unco-operative pharmacy/physician interactions, and ended my day wondering if I could assemble my chair  There's not much left of me to share
I'm glad to see your humour back,thought.
As for your avatar, how would you like to be in a sandwich?  Maybe you should surprise George and greet him that foil...I  can never remember which side goes where though...but that would be a good question for George when he does were trying to prepare a meal, and couldn't remember how to use the aluminum foil, and got all wrapped up
11 years ago 0 11226 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
No problem.

That sounds like a good idea. Try to relax for the rest of the day. 

Thinking of you.

Ashley, Health Educator
11 years ago 0 1071 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thanks for saying back and forth is common.  My Dad and I do that all the time and everyone thinks we're nuts.  Thanks for the sound advice about not making a fear based decision.  I'm amazed that I sound positive, because I feel so off right now, like I've been in a fight, well actually I have.  Actually, I am finding one humorous thing about the situation.  When we were at Panera Bread, and he said we'll never sell the house or get much money for the land, I actually stood up and left and walked home.  I've never done that in my entire life, just left the conversation.  I was so mad, I left the situation to go cool off, before talking to him later.  I called my Mom on my Trac phone on the way home and told her what I did and she said, "How far is Panera from your home?"  I told her it was only a short distance.  I guess I'm thankful we weren't at Panera in the next town, I'd still be walking - ha ha.  Well, my humor's back, so that's a good sign.  I'm just going to remain calm and watch some movies or knit. Take a break.  Thanks Ashley, for being there, when I needed you!!!

11 years ago 0 11226 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Glad to hear you are feeling a bit better.

I like your new avatar too

It sounds like your attitude is incredibly positive despite being right in the thick of this hard choice. Back and forth is common; in my oppinion anyways . Just be sure you follow what you know is right and what you know is best for you - follow your intuition and don't make choices based on fear.

Ashley, Health Educator

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