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Some of my accomplishments updated.

11 years ago 0 517 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Red! Thank you! I hope your doing well!

Hi Davit,
I think I attribute my success to... I was going to say hope but there was a time I didn't have it. I don't really know what changed it except time. And it took a long time. There were days when I was motivated and times when I was completely hopeless. But more and more I thought if all is going to end "bad" anyway, I'll try every approach I can and test myself... I guess. I agree with your revised quote; I don't want anyone to think they always have to do it even I mean esp when there's fear around but I think the realization that I still am capable even if the fear is around is pretty much what gives me the willpower these days, personally. I'm finally starting to get the "I'm stronger than I think I am" quote. Well, I use this only for things I need to get done, like the dentist, etc. but no, I won't force myself to watch a scary movie or touch a spider or things like that. Or even going to the dentist... I told myself I can always leave.  (Another thing I'm learning: setting boundaries)
Other than that, I'd like to think I've let go. It's still hard, but I've learned to close my eyes and feel the breeze when my support person drives, literally. Things like that. And I owe so much to my support person, my sister, my cats, past therapists, people who we're kind when I'd share my situation, people like you guys who were courageous to share your stories and make me feel so not alone, and other activities like art, music, gardening, exercising. People who told me they like my art helped me gain some confidence too. I just had to tell myself to have patience and tomorrow is another day and that things are always changing even me. 
Maybe I got off topic, I hope that's what you meant haha
11 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello anerol


I'm curios as to what you attribute to your success and it is success.

Let me change your quote to my version, accept your fear but don't let it rule you. In other words accept it is there but accept also that at the moment you have limitations and that it is okay. Tomorrow you might not. And I know for a fact with patience it does get better, just not as fast as we would like but once a person does start to get better the improvement continue even if there are set back. It is just knowing it can work that can make it work.

11 years ago 0 2508 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi anerol,
Just stopped by and saw your post, so I signed in to say congratulations to you. 
Congratulations anerol!!
11 years ago 0 517 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I just wanted to share that I was able to go to a dentist. I didn't go for 7 years. And every year I didn't go it became harder and harder while my paranoia for not going became bigger and bigger. My new years resolution for 2013 was to renew my driver's license, which I accomplished in March :), but the dentist was always in the back of my mind. In the end I just did it. Told myself I can have a nervous breakdown, I can throw up on people, I can pee in my pants, it may not be the ideal perfect scenario that I wish in my head but I can get it done. So I did. And I had to go back 5 more times for cleaning and fillings and I did it all. I feel so relieved. 2013 was a good year for me. I accomplished so much. I still have a lot more to go but I am very pleased with my progress. Life is really well right now for me and I am so thankful that I can even say it. I've done so much that I thought I'll never be able to do again. I came across a quote/reminder the other day: "Feel the fear and do it anyway." Yup easier said then done.. but it reminds me that things can happen even if the fear is still there. I hope you all had a wonderful 2013 and New Years and may 2014 be great for all of us. 
11 years ago 0 517 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Everybody, 
I've come by again after another long absence. Sorry. I hope everyone is doing well. 

Hi Davit, 
Sorry I didn't reply to your last entry. It was when it was still hot. But now it's the opposite season. I hope your are doing well. 
11 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Anerol.

Sunny is back in Ontario taking care of a friend with some health issues. I don't know how long she will be there. She does read this site though. She is busy and I'm sure we all miss her.

I'm doing good both Physical and mental but right now the heat is hard to take and there is more coming. I usually work outside when it starts to cool.When I think of all the work I can't get done because of the heat I get a little anxious but not that bad anymore. I'm certainly glad not to be in hospital this summer and even more glad there are very few mosquitoes.
We badly need rain. Yesterday after a lot of struggle and stumbling around in the heat I had the pump finally pumping out of the pond through two sprinklers temporarily. When it cools I have to mount the sprinklers where I want them, right now I'm soaking the potato patch. I do have to go out in the heat to string hose up to a couple of flower beds on a hill. I would wait but they really need water. The feeling of accomplishment will make it worth it. 
I'm rather burnt black and all my scars stick out like a map of my life. Some interesting memories there.

So good to hear from you.

11 years ago 0 517 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Davit! 
How are you doing? I'm glad to hear from you. The last time I was on, I think you were not here because of a hospital visit. How is Sunny? I miss her too.
You are right, I do find confidence after an accomplishment. It just adds hope that even if things may not work out as planned, I always have another chance for the next try. 
I didn't notice you had replied to my blog until you told me. Sorry, and thanks! How are things going for you?
Hello Vincenza, 
Thanks for noticing my determination, haha, it's nice to hear it because it gets lost in my head sometimes.
11 years ago 0 1853 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi anerol, 

I am smiling ear to ear reading your recent post.  It's a pleasure to read how proud you are for all your accomplishments, especially looking forward to how you will surprise yourself next!  You have an abundance of inner strength and determination - it may not feel like it sometimes - but so great to see you are proving to yourself that you CAN do these things you once thought too difficult.
Keep it up anerol!

Vincenza, Health Educator
11 years ago 0 2508 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Anerol,
So good to hear from you..As you know I already posted to your blog yesterday but had to post here too and tell you how happy and excited I am for you...I am so glad you came on and posted this here..Your story will inspire many that read here.. Oh and before I go I want to say a "Class"..I am so proud of you! I look forward to your next update..
You are sooo on a roll now!
You're friend,
11 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

That is sure progress. But even more is that you are happy with it. Taking back control is a long process but once you have it you really have it. Have you noticed success in one part makes success in others easier? 
It is really great having some others with anxiety to talk to. I have had people I could compare notes with so to speak. It was great.
Anyway I am happy for you.


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