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12 years ago 0 2508 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I have taken prednisone short term in the past and had no bad side effects in fact I felt really good on prednisone. There are lots of us here who have had health problems and some of us who have ongoing health problems...So you are not alone in this. You may not remember but I have a Dr. appointment this Friday for a ongoing kidney problem plus I have had to have a colonscopy this month too..which required sedation. I will spare you the graphic details because I find reading others graphic details disturbing and it helps no one..The point I am trying to make is that the sedation didn't kill me and we were able to get the information we needed to make a diagnosis and treat my condition..Same thing with the kidney we are just exploring the options at this point so there is not reason to think the worst..Same thing with your problem if you see a Ent doctor or a gastric doctor or what ever, they are not likely to do a invasive test on the spot that same day..They usually schedule these procedures in advance and you are usually not allowed anything to eat or drink in advance because of the sedation, they do not want you to vomit during the procedure. It is very unlikely that you will have any procedures done that require sedation on your first visit..
The one thing I have been doing that has helped me the most with all the anxious thoughts that are related to my health concerns is to redirect my thoughts to something else..because there is no point in doing the "What If this.. What If that"...type of thinking, it really is counter productive..So what I have been doing these last 3 months or so that I have been sick is redirecting my thinking to something in the present moment..Doing something positive that I enjoy..Like reading, sewing, and so on and so forth..You get the picture..This gives your body and mind time to heal. This is something I had to consciously work at and now it has become more automatic..
They say God helps those who help themselves..You have to help yourself if you want to get a handle on your anxiety and panic..and yes it is hard work..but it is something that only you can do for yourself... No one can do it for you...
12 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Deborah,
Did you read about the life-saving side of prednisone, which Davit has outlined?
Step outside the panic cycle, into our calm spaces.  We're all doing better when we can do that...we know it's hard
12 years ago 0 373 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Debora -
My doctor prescribed prednisone for me towards the end of my strep throat infection when I called his office in a panic because my throat was swelling. 
You might remember that for me, my anxiety causes a lump in my throat. I still get dizzy but most often the first symptom that I notice is a lump in my throat.  I always check to see if something is wrapped around my neck (it can sometimes feel like I my scarf is on a little too tight - even when I'm not wearing one). 
I will be thinking of you today.  It will be good for you to see your nurse.  I am hopeful that she might be able to recommend a good therapist to you, hopefully someone who is an expert in perimenopause.  Is that something that you can start researching today before she arrives.  Maybe a google search of your city and anxiety or perimenopause and start from there?
My experience has been that doctors and nurses who haven't learned about anxiety are not as quick to recognize those symptoms.  I really like my doctor but some of her colleagues that I saw when I had strep, seemed to be better prepared to recognize what was really going on with me.  In my case, they did some tests to rule out a lot of things and then began treating my anxiety.  That way, now, when panic knocks on my door, I can remind myself of these test results.  It helps me to take off my fear goggles.  Those are really hard things to take off and they can make us so sad. 
I am hopeful about your nurse visit but if you happen to be online before then - I hope that you can maybe take a little time to think of one really nice thing you can do for yourself, that would make you feel better, even if just for a few minutes.  Maybe you don't have the strength to actually do it today - but if you can think of something you might like (Like reading a Nancy Drew mystery or singing a favorite song), maybe you can share it with us?
Sorry my responses are always so long-winded - I've said this before but I really identify with what you post. You are very honest about your thoughts and they are always similar to thoughts that I've had when I've been very troubled. 
Take care - and I hope you can find a little bit of beauty in today.  I always say that every day is a gift - sometimes you have to look around a bit to find the gift! 
12 years ago 0 542 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Dear Davit,

It is really nice to hear from you I missed you. You probably read I have been very sick for almost a month and its really increased my panic and fear. The antibotics cleared up the broncitis but my throat has gotten much worse it radiates to my ear and I am in constant pain. I went back to the Dr. this evening because the pain was so bad and I coughed up a little blood, probably from the irratation, I have to see a ENT doctor probably soon, I have had larigistis for almost a month now my throat is swelling up and I am actually wheezing from my throat not my chest but my throat which is very strange, I am very very afraid Davit I have laranx cancer, the fact that I keep getting worse even on medication scaring me, a month is a very long time.

I read the side effects of Predisone, they are kind of scary, especially the intestine bleeding and blood clots and other things?! But I will at least try it, I am so sick I have too there is nothing else too do the Dr said nothing she can do to help me and that was scary too hear a medical Dr say, how do you tolerate the predisone? what do you take it for Davit? if I can ask you.

Will it help my throat swelling? I so want this too go away, I cannot even eat anymore or swallow and that makes me weak, why would predisone help throat swelling? I know its a steroid but know little about it, it scares me to take but I have no other choice.
12 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I've been on prednesone twice a day for over 15 years. If it didn't kill me it sure won't hurt you.
Short term there will be no side effects.
If you don't at least try what the doctors ask then don't expect them to try.

12 years ago 0 542 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thank you Carmie,

My husband took me back to urgent care this evening, so I have seen two doctors in three weeks. My symptoms have gotten worse, my voice is completely gone, and my that horrible pain is back up into the ear. I saw a lady Doctor she was young and nice but seemed very tired and she looked at my throat and said she did not see infection and just a little redness, which surprised me because it feels so raw and red, when I coughed today I saw some streaks of blood and that is what drove me back to emergency services. She put me on "PREDISONE" have you or anyone ever heard of it? She wanted to give me a shot but I was afraid to get it because I will be alone all day and I was worried about side effects, and they are very numerous from what I read, its a "streroid" I dropped the script off at the pharmacy and will pick it up tommorow I am scared of course too take it but I cannot live with this pain and coughing up blood, I pray it does not hurt me, I have to see my nurse tommorow so I will ask her about the interactions and effects, she is very good about meds she seems to know.

If I am no better in a few days they want me to see a ENT doctor and I knew that was coming, the lady doctor did say "I cant see anything there its deeper down" and I said "like in the laranx?" and she said "YES" that is what is terrifying me that is my worry that it is laranx cancer and when she said that it just reinforced the fear! I pray the steroid works and this goes away, I have been sick an entire month and my nerves cannot take it, my blood pressure was dangerously high because of all the fear and I even took a whole klonopin and it did not even help much, I so pray its NOT cancer, just going to the ENT doctor is going to be very rough, the camera down the throat and maybe the cancer words. I just want to put it out of my mind its driving me crazy, my fear is if it is cancer I will have a heart attack on the spot and not have too worry about chemo and all that. PLease pray the predisone helps me and does not hurt me, I afraid to take it and afraid not too.
12 years ago 0 373 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Debora,
I am glad that you wrote.  You have been on my mind.  Tomorrow should be a good day for you.  Seeing the nurse will be good and hopefully you will be able to rule out a lot of scary things either just by talking with your nurse or also by going to the ER.
I'll look forward to your post tomorrow as I really believe that they'll be able to help you.
Take care - I am sending you lots of positivity from Maine and will include you in my prayers.
12 years ago 0 542 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello Everyone,

I am so sorry I did not write back for a few days I kind of just took too my bed I collasped. I have my nurse appt tommorow evening and I think right after that I am going to ER, my voice is still gone and the pain in my side of my throat and ear is worse than ever, I have every symptom of larnax cancer almost and I am terrified, I have read that hoarseness and pain that goes on for 3 weeks is not good and its been a little over three weeks now and the painful lump came back! and I could not even go to my primary the other day, I dont want too hear the words cancer but I cannot live like this anymore in sheer terror, the symptoms have not gone away and in some ways have gotten worse, I am actually wheezing from my throat?! not my chest, the only other thing it could possibly be is a "granuloma" which is not fatal but can have the same symptoms, I am praying its that.  The panic attacks are coming in waves and I am constantly crying for fear of throat cancer, I am sorry I am in a bad way, nothing I do relieves the pain emotional or physical, I am more scared than I have ever been in my life, I cannot even sleep well because of the wheezing, I hope I can make it 24 more hours. Thank you for listening, has anyone ever had anything like this and it was alright? Please help me.

12 years ago 0 30 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Deb
I agree with the others, you tried and that is the main thing.  Keep trying you can do it.  We are all with you
Matilda x
12 years ago 0 2508 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
So sad to hear this..I can only image how hard this is for you ..I know how hard it is for me to read this every morning and night....Maybe you could start off this morning by adding one nurturing activity to carmie's thread today....
My heart goes out to you and all of us today...

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