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Rudeness or Anxiety - Which Am I?

12 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thank you Samantha,
I remember seeing a colleague cut off people 13 times during a meeting, and there were only 12 people!  I thought that he was "rude", but I'm beginning to wonder if he was just one of "us", with GAD, since he had all the symptoms.
He did tend to humiliate people, and even made up a nasty nickname for me, but as much as I tried to make him not feel uncomfortable, since he seemed so insecure, I just had to eventually accept the fact that he was not going to change.
When I left the job, he warmed up, and stated something to the effect that he's like to see him!  To this day, I don't know why I would wish to see someone who made my life miserable for the 5 and one half years we worked together, but apparently he was out of touch with reality.
As for yoga, it could add some novelty to my mundane weight training programme, and it's great for stretching since I'm tight(and "uptight").
Today Ashtanga, tomorrow Kama Sutra(not likely, but nice motivating fantasy, isn't it) ?
12 years ago 0 2606 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello hugs4u,
I think we all have moments like that where we cut people off during conversations. As long as you notice it afterwards and do your best to allow for a good back and forth conversation in a group you should be fine. I think people would probably be more likely to take that as rudeness if you continously do it.
Very happy to hear you are going to try something new like yoga! Let us know it goes!

Samantha, Health Educator
12 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

I wonder if other members express their uneasiness by cutting people off?

I was in a group, and really excited, but couldn’t contain myself, when I’m sure I didn’t wait for others to finish their questions a couple of times.

What’s the difference between being “rude” and being anxious. Isn’t it hard to tell?

I good thing is that I tried something new, and will probably join a yoga class, since it’s in a chair, and I can manage it.

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