Hi Carmie and Hugs,
Its great hearing from you! I am glad your cold is better Hugs that is good news, the warmer weather is coming for everyone I think so hopefully all these nasty colds and virus's will decrease. I am glad you are better and going on with life, good news.
Hi Carmie, I hope the dizziness has let up, I know that is one of the body symptoms I hate the most, does a glass of OJ help or a piece of candy? I was thinking a little low blood sugar? I dont know, does that help? I DO understand the perimenopause issues, you are probably very early in it cause you are so young, I missed my April period, I never know when its coming anymore? I do get swollen chest and bloated and irritable and sometimes that tips me off its coming and I get very tired.
I am trying to "come out of my fog" so too speak, and its very hard, I have my moments, the klonopin helps and my voice getting better helps but the anxiety is always lurking, its decreased somewhat but I know I have a ways to go in the program.
I think I have noticed how negative I have been and I am trying too work on that the most. I am NOT blaming others but it seems like in my life, I have so much negativity around me! The only positive forces I feel our on this site and my Aunt.
I have lost several friends because of this and it hurts bad, they were pretty up positive people and probably could not handle me, the only friend who has stuck around I see now is very very negative, it almost seems everytime we talk, and I do not know if she means it or not, but makes me feel very very bad and sad and mad about myself, I have noticed a pattern, she keeps saying "this has been going on too long" and "if you wanted to get better you would you are not doing something right" These comments, through perhaps she does not mean for them to hurt, they hurt badly, I am trying to build up my self-esteem and whats left of my dignity and self-respect and it does not help, she is now my only "friend" but is she really??
My husband is having shoulder surgery at the end of the month so I am hoping to be better to help him through the pain and recovery, he has been very negative and crabby, but he works out in the hot sun all day and is sick and very tired so I try to give him a wide berth and understand, right now I am trying to be positive even when surrounded by negativity, a challenge.
How do any other member handle this? If I can ask, doing the program and trying to recover and think positive when there is so much negativity around? Do you ignore it? and try to work around it?. I want to feel better about myself but its hard sometimes when people tell you how sick and weak you have been, and that does not help, I am trying to develop a thicker skin and avoid people telling me how weak and bad I am. With God and this program I am so praying for a decent life again.