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My Therapist called me "Crazy"

12 years ago 0 373 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi, Debora:
I am happy to read that you walked the dogs!  It is so important to do what you love and what makes you happy.  That is what fuels me through each and every day - finding moments that make my heart a little lighter. 
So sorry to read about your stomach pains.  I hope that you can get to the doctors soon.  I hope that you'll be able to start a new topic under the Success stories forum.  Maybe set a goal for today - it doesn't have to be anything superbig - just something that you hope to accomplish towards a larger goal - and then you can share it with us. 
You seem to have a similar fear to one that I have which is a fear of losing control during a panic attack.  It was my greatest fear at the dentist's office yesterday.  The dentist wondered what I was so afraid of and really, I wasn't afraid of the procedure - I was afraid of having a full blown attack and wanting to run out of the office.  Using the relaxation exercise helped me to "drop" my anxious thoughts for awhile.  They were popping into my head, for sure - but once I recognized that I was no longer focusing on what the exercise required - I needed to stop and go back to the exercise.  It's not easy and I'm not perfect at it - but I keep practicing.
Red - a note that I will be thinking of you - I imagine you are at your docs now and I am praying for you!
Peace to all:
12 years ago 0 542 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

I just read all you're posts, thank you. The good news is the chest pain subsided, I started too think "this disorder has robbed me of so much I cannot give up my walks" I walked one dog around the block, slowly, and I did not have chest pains, a little tightness in my chest but I think that was because I was thinking about it. I took it slow and easy and made it, I had to prove too myself I could do it, the pill helped and I ate a little broth and sandwitch, and layed down, at least I walked I am glad.

The lower stomach pain is still there, a gassy bloated feeling, I had two hours of horrible pain earlier, that terrible pain went away, just crampy and kind of hurts, not good but not the brutal pain of before, thank God, it decreased but still there.

I have to make an appt I know. But I am SO afraid to hear what is wrong. I think I would just collaspe if I heard cancer or surgery, I could never get through it I know, I know in my heart that is what is postponing me going, but the pain I know is eventually going to drive me there, maybe its better too go to ER instead of GYN because if its cancer or something terrible at least they can revive me, I dont think I am kidding about that, I am scared to death to hear the words I know something is wrong and I know I am not strong enough yet to deal with it, I have to get over that quickly I know, I am trying very hard.

Carmie Sunny and Red all you're words helped me so much. I wish I could just hug you all! I was reading my journal from last year at this time and it was like I could of wrote it yesterday, and I am still alive! I just wish the stomach issues would go away and the fear would go away with it, I know the stomach is my bad spot, all the nerves go there. I wish I had the courage like you Red to go get a pelvic ultrasound, I just am too scared, I had a few when pregnant but this is different, if they find cancer I will collaspe, maybe I am putting it off so I will not have a breakdown, I dont know what I am thinking!

I did walk the dog Carmie, I took the chance and I am glad I did, thank you for telling me about the panic you felt during you're runs, it gives me hope you worked through it and run so well, I wish my therapist would of done that for me. And Sunny you made me feel better telling me about you're chest pains {not that I was glad you had them of course} just that it was anxiety induced. I feel a little better, other than a mild stomach ache this is probably the best time I had all day, its after midnight now its a new day and I am going to hope and pray its productive and non-panic and not scary, I hate to take the klonopin but for now it seems its the only thing that takes the edge off. But I must get to the Doctor I know, I am just trying to muster the courage and strength to do so. Thank you so much. I hope my next post is positive and not so hysterical.
12 years ago 0 1665 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Red:  Good luck with your appt.  Will be thinking of you.  Let us know how it goes.

Maybe the person who had the good flight to her vacation will post later.  She may share her positive thoughts and experiences during her holiday.

12 years ago 0 1665 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi D:  Glad you called your new doctor.  I thought you were going to call the female doctor your friend recommended, especially for perimenopause problems, etc.
As for sitting on the grass because of chest pains during a walk, guess what? that happened to me too a few years back before I got better.  I wondered what the heck was wrong with me and why I was breathless and had chest pains.  Yes, it is frightening.  It was all stress related.  I hope you find that it is the same for you too.  Doing the relaxation ex. every single day, morning and night was most helpful.  Doing it in the morning was a good practice, but it also prepared me for the coming day's stressful events and doing it at night before bed was like decompressing from the day's events.  
It will pass.  What I did at the time was to take shorter walks and only when I really felt like it.  It was a time period where I needed to heal and needed to pamper myself a lot.  So short walks it was, and long soaking hot baths during which if I felt like crying in the tub, I just went ahead and did, herbal teas and naps in the afternoon, calling my gf when I got scared and crying and sometimes feeling alone in my struggle and wondering if I'd ever get well.  As you know, I did get well and in time you will too.
I'm praying for you that you will connect with this new doctor, that you can be open and he/she will be understanding and helpful.
Hang in there D.  just a little longer.  We are all cheering for you and praying for you too.


12 years ago 0 2508 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi again Debora,
I was posting when you last posted and I just read your newest post..I think it is a good that you are going to take your meds and try to relax..If that doesn't work and you continue to have severve lower abdominal pain it just might be time to go to the er...I know what having bad abdominal pain is like and it is something to take seriously especially if it doesn't let up...Please do not be afraid to go to the er if you feel you need to...
Sorry to go but I have to rest now...I have lots of medical tests tomarrow..
Take care..
12 years ago 0 2508 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi everyone...
Sunny.. Thanks for the update on one of our previous members..It is so good to hear about one of us making it to greener pastures..I was wondering who it was..When you said BELIEVE in you post I thought that maybe it was Shari..She used to use that word. No matter, I am happy to hear the news of one of us making it to the other side..Lots of inspiration for everyone here..
Happy to hear all went well with the dentist exposure today..You are sure doing great with the cbt and relaxation exercises..
Sorry to hear you are having a bad day again..but I want to commend you on calling to see about getting a appointment with a new doctor..Making that first phone call takes a lot of courage and is tough exposure work..At least it was for me, making the phone calls was so hard for me and still is..You have taken the first step. You should be very proud of yourself and the progress you are making..
As for me I had to make a phone call to the Dr today which was very hard  for me to do but I am glad I did it..I went into see different Dr today because my Dr. was all booked up. So starting in June I will have a new doctor..I had not felt very comfortable with my present Dr, so this worked out for the best..She was very good and listened and asked questions and we discussed all my options and came up with a plan of action that we both feel comfortable with..I have a appointment setup for tomorrow morning for a emergency abdominal and pelvic catscan and then a appointment with a gastro doctor. I was really afraid to make the call for help but after a week of being really sick and loosing 6 lbs. I decided I had to put my fear aside and do the right thing for my healths sake..For some reason I am not afraid of the outcome of the tests I going to have tomorrow..I think it is because I feel that I am now in good hands and that they will do what ever they can to help me...
Well thats all for now..I am pretty tired and need to rest up to tomarrows round of tests and such..Got to leave the house at 7am..Have a good night everyone
Take care...
12 years ago 0 373 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Debora,
I just got back from taking my son to karate and going for a run.  I hope that maybe you've been able to find a little calm or a little peace. 
I certainly do not think you are a lost cause.  I think it is a great step that you called a doctor today.  It's too bad that the person who answered the phone was not helpful.
I used to get chest pains when I ran, Debora.  It was one of the things that brought me to this site and lead me to see a therapist.  I used to have panic attacks in the middle of running.  Through talking to my therapist, I learned that certain things would happen during my run to trigger the panic cycle.  I didn't understand the panic cycle and I didn't know CBT back then.  Now, when I run and I start to enter the panic cycle, I can quickly get out of the panic cycle. Can I always, no.  Is it difficult?  Yes.  Do I have good periods and bad.  Yes.  
I really believe you are just going through a really bad period and you need to find good help.  I am really happy to know that you called the doctor.  You should give yourself a pat on the back. 
Also, 120 over 80 is my normal blood pressure.  I really do understand about not knowing what is physical and what is panic.  It's a nightmare.  That's why I think it will be so great for you to see a good doctor. 
I really hope that you won't give up your dog walking.  I gave up running for a month this summer, before I understood about panic.  It's very sad to give up the things we love.  I hope that you will take a chance and walk the dogs tonight.  I will take the walk with you in spirit, Debora.
12 years ago 0 542 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Can drinking water on an empty stomach cause severe lower stomach pain? The chest pain went away, thank God, but now I am having severe lower stomach pain that radiates to the back. I dont know how much more I can take, nothing is working, I am afraid to eat because of the pain, it came out of the blue, can anxiety cause lower tummy pain? The doctor never called back he said he would after six and its after seven, I know he is the on call doctor but they promised he would call back, I do not want to go to ER but the pain is really bad like something burst in my stomach, I just took my pill I am going to try and calm down, I cannot believe it went from chest and arm pain to severe stomach pain with minutes? I am so scared and so exhausted from the pain, I dont know what to do, the doctor never called, I am sorry I am alone and so scared I am sorry to bother everyone.
12 years ago 0 542 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Carmie and Sunny and everyone,

I hope you guys are still online. I have been on the phone trying to find a Doctor today. I called my current one and he is on vacation till next week, the secretary said "I do not understand why you are calling today, if you had chest pains fourteen hours ago why did you not go to ER" I tried to explain my husband was upset, and she said "If I was having chest pains that would be the last thing on my mind" She does not understand my husband go so mad last night at me, he threw his work pants across the room and said "I am so sick of this I need a break I am going to leave" that got me so upset I let the ER go, the last thing on earth I want is for him to leave with my son and me be alone, then I would not survive. I am glad the pain went away finally.

I woke this morning very very chilled, I was freezing and the house was 79 degrees?! I dont know what that was about, I think it finally hit me I actually was laying on someones tree lawn at nine o'clock at night with chest pain and two out of control dogs, today I am very nervous, my heart is skipping beats and my arm hurts but I am trying NOT to dwell on the symtoms as Davit and CBT says, its very hard through, I called the new Doctor and they are going to call me back to see if they take the HMO opposed to the PPO insurance, my one pleasure in life and my day is too walk my dogs and now I am afraid too, what if the chest pains come back? I have been walking my dogs for two years and that never ever happened, in fact I feel better when I walk and afterwards, do you think I have been so stressed out over my therapist and ovarian cancer that I have hurt my heart?? My pressure last night was 124/83 and my husband said that was normal is cardioligist told him, that calmed me a little seeing it was not sky-high. I am trying so hard to forget about last night, I want to walk again through.

I feel like I am having a nervous breakdown! I do not know whats physical or emotional anymore. I do not want to spend five hours in ER again and ask them what is wrong and they say, after all those hours "we dont know" its expensive and scary. I have been doing the PMR and box breathing as Sunny and Carmie suggested, that helps a little and praying very very hard, it almost seems like, and I hope this does not sound strange, I feel like such a hopeless helpless case only God can help me, the medical professionals have really let me down, and my husband is livid I am going back down again. What do you do? where do you go when the CBT and meds dont help? those two things are the only things that help I have read, and therapy, as you know did not go well at all, that is all there is CBT, meds and therapy, am I one of the one's that just will not get well? that thought is so unbearable, I think those chest pains during my walk really set me back, its the only time I leave the house and exercise I know is supposed to be wonderful. Do you ever get chest pains when you run Carmie? Maybe I should just take one dog at a time, they pull terribly, and right before the chest pain started my one dog was pulling me horribly, maybe I pulled some chest muscles, I am hoping that is what it is, I do not want to have a heart attack, my therapist said Monday, depression and anxiety will cause heart problems, I cannot believe he said that! he knows my phobias, well  that is a moot point anyway, I am never going too see him again, and its for the best I guess. I realize he cannot help me.

Do you all think that I am a lost cause? I dont want anyone to be frustrated or mad at me, you guys on this site, along with my aunt are my lifeline, but so far away. I am so happy youre dentist appt went well Carmie, you relaxed and that is good! and that story Sunny gave me hope, and I hope you get the rest Red you need, you have all been so wonderful too me.

I must sound like a basket case. I do not want to have a heart attack or nervous breakdown, I am so scared about an appt with a GYN my Aunt thinks that this is what it is all about, I am trying to find one open in the evening and that is not easy, I guess I better deal with the heart issue first then worry about the ovary pain. I really got over that "heart attack phobia" for months and with that chest pain last night its back, and the last thing I want is to give up my walks with my dogs, its what I live for and keeps me going. Is there hope for me? has anyone been this bad and recovered? I pray that my day will come when I can write a success story, I hope I survive to do so.
12 years ago 0 373 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Sunny, I am so glad that you shared that update!  So inspirational!  Thank you! A post like that really encourages me to reach for the stars!

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