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My Therapist called me "Crazy"

12 years ago 0 542 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thank you everyone, I guess this topic has gone on awhile. I called my therapist and he was out of town, he was pretty good about it, he wanted to know if I just wanted to see him once a month because money was the issue too, he told me he would call back when he got back into town, but its pretty much over, I have to deal with other things now, I will post on another forum about that, I think I am getting sick and I know thats when I go down. Thank you all for the advice about the exposure and the therapist, I hope you are having a wonderful trip Carmie and I will check that "flourishing" out Hugs, thank you again all.
12 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
There's research by John Gottman on the topic of "flourishing", which states there needs to be a ration of 3 to 1 of postiive to negative thoughts, to counter the negative thought.  He is a contemporary of B. Fredrickson.
An example would be, if someone said something derorgatory, I could counter with 3 positive things, to  myself, besides asserting myself.  In teams, I think it's 5 to 1.
I'm taking a wonderful course about life planning, and it's full of things helping me to change, along with this site
Also, the Ignatian tradition(following a saint who began a Jesuit order in the RC church) is something which is close to me, so I search daily for those good things in everyday life
12 years ago 0 1665 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi D:  I like what Carmie writes.  She is right on!  Finding the joy in every day living, little by little and hang onto those things, the positives.  Let the others go.  This reminds me when I attended my support group when we visualized taking the negatives, the fears, into our hands and walking up to the garbage can and throwing them into it.  We then physically, got up, went to the garbage/trash can and would do the motions of throwing away the negative thought.  Slam the lid down once and for all.  Do it a dozen times a day if you have to, every time a fear comes into your mind, get up and throw it away, slam that lid down.

12 years ago 0 373 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Debora:
I am heading down South today  - 3 days on I-95! I will be thinking of you.  I am arming myself with my Talaria podcasts and all of my CBT homework and the kind and wise words from everyone here and I am feeling great!
Hope to read in a week that you've found it inside of you to make some small step towards your exposure goals.  When I was afraid of running too far away from the car - I first went .25 miles and back, then .50, .75 and all the way up to 2 miles.  There were good days and bad days. It took me weeks but it felt so good when I finally ran the entire running loop without having to turn around!  In the process, there were times when I had setbacks - but I learned from them and they helped me to get better at the CBT and relaxation.  I still need practice and this road trip will probably give me a few chances.
Wishing you good things to find each day to make you smile, Debora.  Good things are out there to be found - let's both look for them in our days!
Peace to you and to all of my friends here on the PC!
12 years ago 0 542 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thank you everyone, I lost my last post I just wrote, my computer is acting up. I have not been feeling well the last few days I think its a cold coming on along with my monthly and I have not been sleeping well, that would make anyone feel bad I guess.
Thank you all for you're replies, I think the exposure work will help, baby steps so I can go to a Doctors appt, the pain comes and goes in my tummy, a little better, but I know I should still go anyway, I just dont have the courage yet but I am working on it and all you're help and advice helps me. I am starting to blink again on the computer I am going to try and post this so I do not lose it again and write later after I re-boot. Thank you and God bless you all for being there for me.
12 years ago 0 2508 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello Debora,
So sorry to hear about the trouble you are having getting a appointment in the evening..I have never heard of them doing appointments after 5 pm though..Maybe you could start doing exposure work as it pertains to your agoraphobia and going out in the daylight..Starting small with little steps..I wish you well in your efforts. I wish I could help you by being here but I am going to have to take some time off from posting until I get better.
As for me I have already posted  a update about what my doctor said at my appointment last Thursday..Unfortunately it is not some minor thing that can be quickly fixed..If you are interested you can read what I posted about it under the forum titled "Challenging your anxious thought" The tread is titled "Health Concerns"  I did not want to disrupt your tread here with my problems so I posted it there.There was no reason to post in both places...Anyway "Health Concerns" seemed like the appropriate place to post it.
You do not have to read it if you don't want to or if it may upset you and cause you anxiety..I perfectly understand..I find that some of the posts here on the site are upsetting too which is not so good for my health at the present moment. So I am going to be taking a little break. Again I wish I could help you by being here but I am going to have to take some time off from reading and answering posts and give myself a chance to get better..They call this self care here on the site and it is something I have neglected to do..So starting tonight I am going to due my best to learn how to do just that..I will still be journaling on my blog for now and my post if I think it would be helpful to me..
I wish you luck with your doctors appointments and health issues and with any exposure work you chose to do to get better...It really is possible to get better doing cbt if you keep at it..One small step at a time...
Take care.....
12 years ago 0 2508 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi carmie..
Thank you..That's so sweet of you to say..and thanks for the prayers as always. I am looking forward to seeing those beautiful pictures you take on your trip..Especially the sunrise and sunset ones..You know I just love those..
Have a beautiful trip. Talk to you when you get back.. :-)))
12 years ago 0 542 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thank you everyone for you're replies. I have been on the phone for five hours trying to find a GYN and I am ready to break down in tears! Not one and I mean ONE is open in the evening, I must of called thirty or more of them, I cannot believe they do not see patients in the evening, women work and cannot get off for appts during the day, and also most GYN's are OB's and pregnant women {I am not pregnant} have problems after five o'clock, this is a big problem for me, I do not want to go to urgent care or ER but I may be forced too, at least they will see me and hopefully to a ultrasound or x-ray, so frustrating!!

I am glad you went to the doctor Red, you are very brave. You did not mention what is wrong and I will not pry and ask, I hope its something minor and quickly fixable, with my bad experiences before this is a big step for me, I am SO afraid they are going to say cancer, and that means surgery, chemo, losing my hair or worst yet my life, and I have no one to help me through it. First I have to get to the doctor, and that is a problem, I cannot leave my house during the day yet, its the agorophobia, in the daylight I cannot leave my house, I have tried and cannot do it and that is the biggest problem I know.

Carmie the gulf coast is beautiful this time of year, not too hot or cold I know you will have a wonderful time, I have never been there but I know people who have and they love it keep me posted please, I am just in a bad way today, I am sorry.

Ashely I am trying to get to the Doctor and I am journeling, I am leaving my therapist this week and that is scary and new but it is time I think. This pain in my stomach is bad and scary, if it gets too bad I will go too the hospital at least they will see me no matter what. How I wish I could leave my house during the day that would solve a lot.
12 years ago 0 373 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
If you happen to be checking the forums - I want you to know that I will be thinking and rooting and praying for you!  You are a wonderful person.  Your posts have really helped me and I wish you the best.
Thanks to you and Hugs and Debora for really helping to motivate me to prepare myself well for my journey on Thursday.  It helps so much.  I will find a wonderful picture to share with all of you!  Debora, we will be on the Gulf coast and the views are just spectatular.  I will be certain to capture at least a beautiful sunset for you (and hopefully a sunrise - hopefully I'll be able to bring a little camera on a run - I saw dolphins and seals swimming in the water alongside me during last years runs - I hope my expectations aren't too high in hoping for a repeat.

Good luck to everyone and thank you to all of you for sharing your lives with us!
12 years ago 0 2508 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello Ashley,
Thank you for your concern and for sending your positive energy my way..You can find my post and what happened as it relates to my health under the forum title "Challenging your anxious thoughts"  The tread is titled " Health Concerns"..
I have also started journaling on my Blog for now too..which I think is going to help me sort threw my feeling and fears..If not I may start a journal on my laptop..I am also thinking of looking for a support group online that is related to the health issues I am now facing in addition to the group here...I think getting myself well has to be my top and primary goal for now..Self care is so important and something I have really neglected to do up until now..This is something I really want and need to learn to do now. So I am making it my main focus for the time being...Treating the whole person is so important..I may not be responding to posts as much as I have in the past but I will try to update my journal daily..because I think it is helping me..

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