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My Therapist called me "Crazy"

12 years ago 0 1665 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi everyone:  Just wanted to let you know that another person who was on this site and studied the CBT Program has just successfully flown a 6-hr. flight for a vacation.  She says she had no trouble at all and did not need anything, not even a small dosage of ativan.  She was very excited and did have some anticipatory anxiety.  We exchanged emails and talked about the excitement of the trip to come and how the excitement symptoms can be similar to the anxiety ones.  However, she thought positively and decided to treat them as a prelude to a happy holiday time with her hubby.  She emailed when she arrived at her destination and was so happy and proud.  Isn't that wonderful news, that the CBT does work?!   I remember when she started her exposure work.  Even with some setbacks she never gave up and remembered to think POSITIVE.  We can do it!  BELIEVE.

12 years ago 0 373 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Red, I hope that you will be feeling well again soon.
Debora, I will be praying for you and hoping today is better and that you will find the strength inside of you to make some necessary changes. 
I had to go the dentist this morning and I was super anxious.  I brought my son's ipod with me so that I could listen to the Relaxation Podcasts I always talk about.  They really helped.  I played one that didn't require too much deep breathing.  It was one that I might have mentioned before where I needed to focus on "right now".  Debora, when I am in my worst states of panic - this is the exercise that helps me most.  Breathing and trying to take in my surroundings without trying to make judgments about anything - without trying to make plans - without regretting - just taking in right now.  I know that what works best for me might not help you but I wanted to share.
Good luck today - I have high hopes that something beautiful will happen in your day today!
12 years ago 0 2508 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello sthom,
Welcome to the panic center and support group..It nice to have you here..
Today should be a better day...Is your Dr. appt today?  I think I remember you mentioning you had a doctor appointment this week. Let us know how it goes and if you decide to change doctors and start seeing the lady doctor that you mentioned..
I have been a little under the weather lately myself so I will be resting up today..I may have to make one of those Dr. appts. myself this week..Which is something I am really don't want to I am hoping a little rest will help my situation..
I'll talk to you soon..
12 years ago 0 542 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thank you everyone for all you're replies I am overwhelmed with gratitude with all you're concern and advice. thank you.

I am not in a good way today, I stayed in bed most of the day, depression is sometimes as worse as panic, I feel so stupid so used and violated by my therapist after all this money and time he would do this too me, if he could not help me he should of just said so instead of giving me false hope, he cannot even hide his contempt and dislike of me anymore, it is over with us.

I finally got up and ate a sandwitch and tried to take the dogs for a walk about an hour ago, I experienced the worst chest pains I ever had while walking and this has never ever happened? in fact when I walk I feel good usually, I sat down on someones tree lawn and a man came out too help me, I was sweating and having chest pains he wanted to call the paramedics but I said no, my dogs were trying too attack him he almost got bit, I somehow got home, it had to be ANGINA I guess, that is chest pains on exertion, my husband got mad at me and said "you had no business walking with your're anxiety tonight" but exercise helps me, I was so afraid my dogs were going to bite this nice caring man who tried to help me tonight, I dont want to get sued or have anyone hurt, maybe I should of gone too the hospital, but its subsided now, perhaps in my state today I should not have tried to walk, the dogs were pulling horribly and it was hot, I hope I did not have a small heart attack the chest pain lasted about ten minutes, its better now, that never happened, I do not want to be afraid to walk.

somehow someway I have to come out of this hell I have been living in for a year, I dont want it too cause a heart attack, I know stress can and that pain tonight was very scary and new, I have to walk through, maybe just one dog at a time. I fell into a hole due to my therapist and have to get out. I am going to try to lay down now, the chest discomfort is scaring me, maybe I was just to emotionally upset to walk tonight. Thank you for all you're prayers and help I so need them.
12 years ago 0 4 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I am sorry you had such a bad experience with your therapist, rest assured there are plenty of good ones out there. I too was called "crazy" by a therapist I saw, it makes you feel small and alone. I now work on my own with my GP and this program, I find it is really helping me get out there and face my issues with panic disorder. It is so nice to know that there are others like me who experience these symptoms and can understand what it feels like to feel like you are losing it!!!
This is my first post so I just wanted to say hello and be there for anybody that needs some help or cheering up!!

12 years ago 0 12 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Deborah,
i dont want to write too much, everything is pretty much said. But i want to encourage you to not give up on the therapy with a different therapist maybe this woman you were talking about earlier. I´ve had something similar happen to me with my first therapist. I didnt go back to her and went to therapist number 2 thankfully we get along:) so please dont give up on it! Your therapist should not have said something like this to you. This was very unprofessional. Wish you all the best with this! 
12 years ago 0 2508 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Deb,
So sorry about your therapist and the way he treated you. It sounds like you have made the right choice in considering finding a new Dr and therapist..The woman doctor that you mentioned down the street from you sounds like a answer to your prayers and to be able to walk to your appointments would make you much more independent..You would be in control of when you see the doctor and could get there on your own..I was glad to hear you are going to call her this week to see about a GYN exam and basic physical. Like Carmie said we will be right there with you in spirit when and if you decide to make that call. I know it is hard but you can do this Debora..once you put your mind to it..
P.S.  I am really happy that your husband found your glasses...One less thing for you to worry about..
12 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Maybe when you're strong enough, you can write to him, since it sounds like confronting him isn't timely.
There's a difference between laughing AT versus WITH someone, and he shows a lack of empathy which isn't appropriate.  You could cool off too, and see if  that helps, but many of us need outside, in-person support.  I know I do.
We're all here for you
12 years ago 0 373 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Debora,
Well, first of all, I am so happy to read about your glasses!  That is great news.  That is really unfortunate about your therapist.  It's unfortunate that he made such a bad choice in saying that.
It seems that the only way to create positive changes for yourself would be to start making changes.  It seems like the best thing you can do for yourself is make an appointment with the doctor who is recommended and to whose place you can walk.  It sounds like an answer to your prayers!  I hope that you will find the strength within you to call today.  I think you will find it very empowering to do so.  It will feel great to share with us, too, I'll bet.  I felt the same away about achieving my goal of running farther away from where I'd parked the car!  I took all of you with me as I made my run and we'll be with you when you make that phone call and when you walk down to the appointment. 
Take care - I believe in you, Debora!
12 years ago 0 542 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
why does this keep happening to me? I do not want too sound like a "victim" but why do I keep picking the wrong professionals to help me? It makes me afraid to even try again with someone, I have lost all faith and hope in the medical field.

First a few months ago my nurse-practioner said "you are a complete total mess" she is the one who gives me my meds I just see her once every few months, and now last night my therapist, after almost a year told me I was "crazy" I know he was probably joking but I am too fragile and raw to laugh about this condition. These are not friends or family these are trained licensed professional people, and even if I was a "mess" or "crazy" you do not say it too someone, do they honestly think that helps? all it does is hurt very badly and push me back, makes me feel like a hopeless helpless case that cannot be helped.

I am so afraid to pick a Doctor now, I really have a knack at getting the wrong ones don't I? I cannot bear anymore meaness or not helping me and I pay them to help me get well and too recover not too insult or say scary things that make me feel like I am a hopeless case. I have prayed to be lead to the right one this time. I dont want to give up but I cannot take it anymore, if they cant help me just tell me instead of being so darned mean and negative. Its gotta get better it just has too.

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