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My Therapist called me "Crazy"

12 years ago 0 542 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Sunny,

Yes this is probably the time to stop therapy with him, you are right I did have reservations last month about how it was going I guess I was just hoping that it would work itself out and that did not happen. Now that I have calmed down a little I realize he was joking, but Sunny that was so unprofessional, I do not think I am crazy and even if a person is you do not say it too them, coming from a mental health professional was daunting. I have lost faith in him, maybe he wants it over too. Its run its course.

I found my prescription glasses!! I am so happy, I lost them during the garage sale and my husband found them, I am happy about that it saves me a hundred dollars for a new pair and another fifty for another exam, my eyes do get cloudy but now that I found my glasses I hope they will improve, for the last four days I have been using over the counter glasses and I noticed my eyes were not as good, hopefully with my own good glasses it was temporary and will right itself out again.

I got a card in the mail today concerning a woman MD that is located just minutes from my home, a ten minute walk so I could go anytime and not have too worry about a ride, its right up the street, I am going too call this week too see if she will do a GYN exam along with the basic physical, my Aunt has a woman MD who does pelvics, mamograms and blood work all in one place at one time! But that is in Ohio, I would be happy just for an exam and pelvic and the fact I can walk is good, I am going to call and see if she takes our insurance, I am trying NOT to obsess about ovarian cancer, I have had pains in my left pelvic region, but it could be a cyst or something less dangerous, trying to remain positive, I need to go anyway perhaps she can help me with the emotional issues too, or know someone good that can. Please say a prayer Sunny God leads me to the right person this time that can help me, I seem to have bad luck picking one on my own all the wrong ones.

I can accept the fact somewhat the therapist could not help me, but too try to hurt me? that is just so unacceptable, I hope I dont screw things up this time and finally get to the person who can help me get better and help me with my health. thanks Sunny it was good too hear from you.
12 years ago 0 1665 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi D:  sorry to hear about your appt. with therapist.  You had thought before it was time to move on from him, perhaps this is a good reason to do so.  I hope you seize the opportunity to make your decision.
Did you phone the female doctor yet?  I thought that was a good break to get that referral from a friend.  You wanted a female doctor for a long time.  She probably has all the info. you need re: ob gyn and could even set up an appt. for you.  Good luck.

12 years ago 0 542 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thank you Vincenza,

I was in a bad way and then I read you're post and felt a little better, thank you, its nice too know I was not over-reacting and that he acted unprofessionaly, you are a professional and you would know what is appropriate and professional. And yes I do think Vincenza, as you said, I did give it a sincere effort and I really wanted a more positive productive outcome, its very sad that after almost a year this happened, I think I saw the writing on the wall the last month or two concerning him and I guess I so wanted it to work and get better I ignored it and hoped it would get better, I see now that is not too be and it has set me back but the day is almost over and I want to have higher hopes for tommorow. I saw this coming and should of ended it sooner.

I do like too read, I read a lot, there are some books that will help me through this, and sometimes I read the old Nancy Drew mysteries, I know I am kind of old for that but it brings back good memories of my girlhood, any "feel good book or movie helps me. Thank you all for listening, I feel very bad tonight but I have to go on move and get over it, thank you.
12 years ago 0 542 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I am really reeling right now and in tears my therapist called me "crazy" tonight! He laughed and said "I am joking" but I was not laughing! I asked him what he thought was wrong with me what he would "diagnose" me for and then he said it. Even if it were a joke {and I am not convinced it was} it was totally unprofessional and inappropriate and scary. He then went on too say, depression and severe generalized anxiety disorder but the damage was done. I am getting the feeling he has pretty much "given up on me" I can almost feel his anger and contempt at me, I think he takes it personally I am not making enough progress, then he said I could "self-prohesize" I am probably spelling that wrong, about bringing on death by thinking about it, not what I wanted to hear, I dont believe that anyway, I mean if you constantly think you are going to grow a second nose or a third ear its NOT going to happen, I do not want to see him anymore, he leaves and I cry and feel more panicky and scared than when he came, I have too find a GYN and have a eye exam so I dont want to look for a new therapist too, its just too much stress, maybe NO therapist is better than the wrong one, I had so much hope and faith that he could help me, I think he just coming for the money now, that is what my husband thinks, I am so confused and depressed, if he cannot help me should he not just say it? Giving me false hope is wrong, I wanted so much for it too work, I am too afraid too try and find another one after this bad experience. If he is giving up it makes me want too give up and I do not want too give up, I have a family. I am sorry for venting, I am so upset right now. Am I over-reacting to his "crazy remark"?? I just don't know what too think anymore, he said I may have to learn to live like this for awhile and I am not releasing it? What do you all think? I think so much of all of you and you're advice and opinions, I am going to pray God leads me to the right course.

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