Thank you all for taking the time to answer. The dizziness and the tingling in my ear (always my right ear - isn't that funny) does seem to happen at the same time each day at work. It also definitely happens during stressful times (receiving bad news makes me dizzy, visits from certain relatives....). My doctor seems to have ruled out most medical answers and I cannot tell you how relieved I was to see dizziness under the listing of panic symptoms. It was really comforting to finally have an explanation behind how I was feeling. It just happened when I went downstairs again (at work to refill my water bottle) and I decided to just let myself be dizzy - and sure enough, it went away after a minute or so. Infinitely nicer than a panic attack but I still am hopeful that there might be complete days without dizziness! For now I cherish the moments when I feel at peace.