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Body Symptoms Won´t Stop

12 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
My arrhythmia did not show on the first few tests. It is there though so I'm on a beta blocker. It is supposedly not dangerous.

12 years ago 0 542 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thank you Samantha,
I have mentioned this to my Doctor in fact I went to ER not long ago and had numerous tests {EKG blood work CT skan etc......} and they did not find anything, unfortunately I think they blame a lot on anxiety, thats why I don't like too mention till the very end I suffer from panic disorder, because they tend too blame it on that. I was very short-lived today and I do not get it often, I think I may have made my coffee too strong and I have been making it very weak lately also I am quitting smoking, I am just glad it stopped if it happens again I will go to the doctor or Urgent care, because its very scary especially when you are alone. It almost seems like Samantha when once symptom goes another crops up! Like first it was bad upper and lower tummy aches, then eye aches then bad headaches now racing heart, one goes another comes? I dont understand it. Somehow I get through it but I know deep down it slows and hinders my recovery because I get so scared and the doctors cannot find anything which can be scary too because I feel "they missed something" I will monitor it and hopefully one day these scary symptoms will be a thing of the past. I heard about the holtor monitor and I will ask the doctor about it. Thanks.
12 years ago 0 2606 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I would recommend reporting this physical symptom to your health care professional or a physician.  They will likely be able to run tests to rule out any specific heart conditions. Sometimes they can even have you wear a monitor for a longer period of time so they can record when your in your own setting too. 
Try the box breathing that sunny mentions and continue to work through the program.

Samantha, Health Educator
12 years ago 0 542 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I'll try the cold water on the wrists Sunny, I know when I put it on my face it helps with the breathing, it seemed to have calmed down my heart rate is about 84 right now which is close to normal, I think what scared me the most is that it came on so sudden and bad without any reason? I think the cup of coffee may have been too strong, I have weaned down to one weak cup a day but I might of acccidently made it too strong today and my body was not use to it, also I am probably inwardly nervous about my husband's upcoming surgeries, even when I am not panicking it happens, it helped what you said Sunny about the time it takes, the "tired wired" feeling, the heart scares me through, I am getting hungry so that is a good sign when I got my appetite.

No Davit I am not on any Beta blockers, the Doctor never mentioned that, when I go to the Doctor, believe it or not, my blood pressure and heart rate are high getting there, but once I am in the room it goes to normal, probably because I am thinking "safe place" "doctor safe place" does that make sense? it does not happen all the time, thank God, even in the midst of my worst panic's, and I have had many, the racing heart or skipped beats did not happen that often, it was more the shaking, I am trying to quit smoking too, I am going to try to put it behind me, easier said than done, if I think about the episode and focus on it I will have "lingering symptoms" focusing on it, I am getting a little better, its just so slow and so hard.
12 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Are you on a beta blocker for the skip and high pulse?

12 years ago 0 1665 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi D:  Yes, I have had symptoms increase with no panic attacks.  My body was out of sorts, all tired out, the least bit of work would tire me quickly.  When you have that, try the relaxation ex. especially the muscle relaxation one.  Box breathing is very helpful too to get the heart to slow down and beat regularly again.  Sometimes when my heart was racing I would put my wrists under very very cold water and let it run for about 2 min. or so, remembering to do my box breathing at the same time.  Sometimes sipping a glass of water helped too.  Concentrate on sipping slowly until it is finished while sitting down.  Another tip, sit down and make yourself as floppy as a ragdoll, keep trying to be as relaxed as that doll.  and don't forget to take those nice deep breaths.
Good luck.
12 years ago 0 542 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello Everyone,
I have not had a full blown attack in over week which I am so grateful for but the body symptoms seemed to have increased?! About an hour after I got up today I was just doing some light housework and my heart started to race out of nowhere, and skipping beats, I was NOT having an attack, my attacks are basically shaking trembling sweating and hyperventilating, I dont get the racy heart and skipped beats normally, it went on and on, I took my heart rate and it was 138!! That scared me it went down to 108 and I am afraid to take it again, I should NOT have taken it in the first place probably it just scared me more. Is this normal for panic's to decrease and anxiety and symptoms to shoot way up?? I thought it would settle down, now I am focusing on my heart of course, it really scared me and I was all alone and there was no real reason for it to happen like that out of the blue, it seems to have gone down now but what the heck was that?
I know I am worried about my husband, he has extensive oral surgery next week and then foot surgery after that, I think deep in my mind I know "I must get up and be better for him" "I have to get better quick so I can take care of him and things" I hope I can rise to the occasion, now I am worried about my heart! I did have a  cup of coffee that could of done it but it was weak and I have cut way down on cigarettes but that is a good thing. Did anyone ever decrease the panic's but the severe anxiety and symptoms keep coming and coming and lingering? It real knocks the wind out of me and hurts my recovery I know, first the stomach pain then the eye and headaches and now the heart! Does it ever stop!

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