I'll try the cold water on the wrists Sunny, I know when I put it on my face it helps with the breathing, it seemed to have calmed down my heart rate is about 84 right now which is close to normal, I think what scared me the most is that it came on so sudden and bad without any reason? I think the cup of coffee may have been too strong, I have weaned down to one weak cup a day but I might of acccidently made it too strong today and my body was not use to it, also I am probably inwardly nervous about my husband's upcoming surgeries, even when I am not panicking it happens, it helped what you said Sunny about the time it takes, the "tired wired" feeling, the heart scares me through, I am getting hungry so that is a good sign when I got my appetite.
No Davit I am not on any Beta blockers, the Doctor never mentioned that, when I go to the Doctor, believe it or not, my blood pressure and heart rate are high getting there, but once I am in the room it goes to normal, probably because I am thinking "safe place" "doctor safe place" does that make sense? it does not happen all the time, thank God, even in the midst of my worst panic's, and I have had many, the racing heart or skipped beats did not happen that often, it was more the shaking, I am trying to quit smoking too, I am going to try to put it behind me, easier said than done, if I think about the episode and focus on it I will have "lingering symptoms" focusing on it, I am getting a little better, its just so slow and so hard.