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The Panic Cycle

12 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I would agree. 

When my staph infection was bad I could not accept that it was just an infection all be it a bad one. I kept looking for cancer even though I was reasured there were no indications. Not believing it made the anxiety worse. 

Like sunny, I just one day got fed up and told it to get lost, I was fine and I was fine.

12 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Were you asking if our attention to our thoughts or behaviours or physical symptoms were magnified to the point of worsening the panic cycle or entering the cycle, I would confirm this.
An example is that I've had stomach aches for years, but it's likely that I manifest my anxiety that way, and don't have a terminal illness I've been brooding about for the last weeks.  My GP would have called me, but who knows?
An exception was that my weight did drop by 12 pounds at least over 3 weeks because I was more physically active, not eating well or enough or sleeping well, etc. due to a temporary set of situations which are over.  However, now I'm concerned about how to return to normal weight loss, and I'll do that by finding out my test results and working with a dietician to poperly maintain an optimum weight and nutrition.
12 years ago 0 1665 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Yes, the symptoms brought anxiety to me also.  The symptoms brought forward the negative thoughts which escalated the symptoms.  That's why you need to change the negative thought when it comes to you so it won't have that power to make it worse.  It works.  One day I just told it to take a hike, I was too busy to pay attention to it.  and it disappeared.  like magic.
12 years ago 0 619 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello Samantha. Now I do not have panic attacks but when I had the symptoms always brought more anxiety.
12 years ago 0 2606 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0


 The basic idea of the Panic Cycle is that each component of anxiety and fear affects the other two. For example, our physical sensations affect our thoughts and our thoughts affect our behavior. All combinations are possible.

 Sometimes the Panic Cycle is triggered by an outside event, sometimes not. Panic can also be set off by symptoms. Furthermore, being on the lookout for panic symptoms means we are more likely to notice even the slightest change in our bodies. The problem is that if you look for small changes such as an increase in heart rate, rapid breathing or skin temperature you’ll find them. It’s normal for our hearts to speed up when we walk or it’s hot outside. However, if you start looking to interpret every small change as the start of a panic attack, you’ll get the Panic Cycle going.

 Do your symptoms bring about more anxiety?
Samantha, Health Educator 

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