Wow, what a day! I knew this exam was coming up and prepared for it like no other exam I've ever prepared for. I was fairly confident in my preparations, but still the anxiety was was significant. So, I took plenty of time to get to the exam center, ate a light lunch so I didn't get drowsy, made sure I had plenty of change for the parking meter, turned my phone off even before starting to drive to town. No distractions, no disruptions to throw me off center.
I sat down to the exam, made sure I would ask to go to the bathroom if I needed to. Last time, I felt like I would be disruptive if I asked, so I squirmed for a few hours. I wrote out the formulas that I had memorized as soon as I got the worksheet.
Oh no! Baby crying in the next room, little bit of panic, few deep breaths, looked around. No one seemed upset or bothered. If they can focus it out, so can I! Back to the test. 2.5 hours later, I'm done and feeling a weird sensation. I think they call it relief and confidence!
The first time I wrote the exam I counted 35 questions that I had no idea what the answer was. Zero percent confidence in at least 35 answers. This time, I counted 12 questions that I wasn't 100% sure of. Maybe 80% sure, maybe 90% sure. That's a big difference! I need a 70% to pass and I got a 61% the first time.
Now it can be up to 30 days before I find out my mark. Hopefully I hear sooner.
Oh! Then I get home and I have a message that someone would like to see the house at 7:30. It's 6:45. I confirm the showing and because I keep the house prepared, I was ready! Now, I wait to see if an offer comes.
How much stress can I handle in a day. Apparently more than I thought. There were a few times I thought I was going to hurl or pass out, but I went through my questions and went to the breathing. I also thought of all the great people here and elsewhere that were wishing me well in my exam and confident in me. That really helped.