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My Fears & Anxious Thoughts...

13 years ago 0 252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
My feeling now almost 2 weeks later. This morning I am thinking about my negative core beliefs and I have many. The one that is on my mind this morning is "I'm invisible". This one goes back a long way...and for some reason it seems to be rearing its ugly head this morning..Something my have triggered it. I am still here reading even though I am not posting as much.. Sid/Red Ps. The reason I changed me name is because I removed my old account and had to register and couldn't use my old name..
13 years ago 0 538 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
So....hubby's gone and  I have the time to read back over the posts I missed...I was so touched to see that I was missed.....thanks!
But then  I got to the part where there was some  advice handed out as to how write your posts.....I believe we all have the right to  say how we feel, and in whatever format......we all have the free will to choose what we read...but, if someone has a request, feel free to ask for it... as long as you know you may not get what you want....Remember...were all here for eachother....
I was interested also in learning  that the amount of people on here varies so much...but don't judge me if the Idol comes first!! hahaha..Here..I'll start some controversy..they kicked off the right one last week! She was too perfect! Boring!! haha
I'm going to think on your words Davit....I refuse to let my life get the better of me........very deep and meaningful. Thanks.
Ok, on to more missed posts reading...
13 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
One thing I forgot to mention is that nothing and no one can cure your anxiety, CBT is not a pill nor are all the books and videos. They are only guides. I say CBT will cure you but in actual fact, doing CBT cures you. You cure you by the use of guides and aids (including meds if necessary)
And since we are all different we may do it different ways. I have seen so many different ways that panic attacks happen and so many different causes for them that do not match mine.
Therefore if I do not understand why some one is doing something I go to great lengths to try to understand. There is always a reason even if it seems there is not. Some times it takes a long time to find the reason. This is a panic site. We are here for good reason. We are here because we need help. In my time here I have not seen anyone intentionally be cruel though at times it might have looked that way. Some time that is just how panic affects a person. We are a group helping each other and some times we just do not know how to. But we can still listen and try to understand.

Here for you,
13 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

This is an open forum and there are moderators to see it does not get out of hand. So we can say what we want how we want and if it is not acceptable it will be removed. We also have a choice to read or not to read same with comment. Even if the comment is aimed directly at us.

As for agoraphobia. It is hard to fight not having control because of core beliefs but when you lose control of your life because you are sick or disabled it gets harder. Not impossible, just harder. See you have to accept that in this case you have little control over not being able to do things. What you do have control over is the acceptance.

As for panic attacks because of the fear of having one. You do have control by accepting them instead of fighting them and in this way with the control back to you the tendency becomes less. Focusing on the fear though does make it hard to focus on the acceptance, so it doesn't happen over night.

here for you,
13 years ago 0 118 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
It is interesting that hugs4U posted about paragraphs. I figured he was responding to my post because it had no paragraphs. I filter his comments meaning that I could not write (because I have a learning disability).

I decided not to respond then I find out that hugs4U has a neck problem and long paragraphs were hearting  hugs4U neck. We have to be careful how we respond to each other because our responses are filtered through our own life experiences.

Had hugs4U said in the beginning of the post that long paragraphs were a problem for hugs neck the whole post would have provided a different meaning then the one we I interpreted.  Alternatively, I sure I had said that I had a learning disability then hugs would have understood that.

Perhaps hugs thread was not a response to mine or anyone else it was just frustration of having neck pain while trying to read. This is where CBT should be of used you should not make judgements about other people’s posts because we may not know what is behind (the filter) in a person’s post.

So if there is a problem like this again ask for verification of what the person said like Davit said he is willing to explain himself if you do not know where he is coming from.

I just wanted to through this one out for Davit to answer, you were replying to Red in that all her fear comes from a lack of control of agoraphobia. I agree with you that most people problem stem from a lack of control but I would also add that the control we lack is the onset of a panic attack. We do not want to feel intense fear in a situation that most people on this site now know is out of proportion to the event. This is where I find my control when I can separate an event that cause an attack from the attack itself.

When we can see the event as separate and not logical to cause such fear we gain control over the event. This works with a thought also and in any situation that one finds him or herself in that causes an attack.


13 years ago 0 89 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
All I know is that I'm a physically healthy, intelligent, caring and loving person with some great life experience and some good education. Some people might look at me as a success and think I've got it together. So, if you guys feel that you might not have it together or are in some way lacking, know that I'm looking at you and seeing inspiration and people who represent where I want to be in my life. Red, Davit, everyone, you are here for a purpose. Not just here on this forum, but here in this life. The cool thing is that you get to choose a lot of what that purpose is.
I hope you are all here for a good, long time, too.
13 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

I agree totally that is all you can do. I too have trouble accepting I can never be as I was. Everyday happy is a bonus. I was supposed to die thirty years ago, I can only believe I'm still here for a purpose, and I believe you are too.

Here for you,
13 years ago 0 659 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thanks for putting up the flower picture. I think it is beautiful..It does cheer us up..
I wonder how Juanita it doing too..I sure do miss her...
Your friend,
13 years ago 0 659 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I have thought about my fears and have come to the conclusion that I can not change all of them..Their are three that I have added that were a great concern to me..
One being that I may never be able to get my short term back and two that I may never be able to get my thoughts together as well as I could before I went on treatment for liver disease, and last but not least that I may never have the energy I once had.
In conclusion I have decided that the best way for me to deal with these fears is to accept myself the way I am now and keep moving forward in a positive direction with my life....
13 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I agree.
Not only is it harder for the disabled person but they get frustrated and emotional quicker than the average person. If they are upset or say something they shouldn't have we need to consider there load. Some times it was not meant as it was said and we just have to forget it. Some times it is the best thing for our own good to just do that. You were in health care so you know people sometimes say things they later wish they hadn't. I know I did when I was in the hospital. The nurses sometimes treated me badly but I tried to remember they work twelve hour shifts and get bad days too.

Just be you okay. I think I'll dig up a flower picture just because there is still a foot of snow on the ground here and it is depressing. 80 degrees F in my greenhouse and snow outside the door. It will go, it is getting warmer. One of my tractors I need right now is still buried in snow.
Not that it is still winter, we just got a lot of snow.

Here for you,
your friend,

PS, I have not heard from my adopted niece Juanita in a while. I wonder if she is hiding in the shadows watching us :-)

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