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My Fears & Anxious Thoughts...

13 years ago 0 9 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Sunny, I just saw your message. I am happy to know that you found a way to get rid of the fear and I hope I will too. I am thinking of taking up yoga to help me relax and I want to do meditation as I heard that it is the best. Though, I live downtown and don't have a car and the place where I saw ads for the classes are pretty far so I have to keeping looking for something closer...
13 years ago 0 9 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi ashepp3,
I am so happy that I found someone that I can relate to but not exactly in the best of ways. I too will only have one drink because I'm scared of the anxiety. I also can't go on thrill rides and avoid bars with loud music and big crowds. Sometimes it get be very depressed that this is happening to me and that it is so hard to beat. I get so anxious and depressed about it that I have to cry to make me feel better and get the jitters and shakiness out. "Regular" people don't understand this and it is not something that I can openly talk about when no one understands. Luckily I have my sister and my boyfriend to help me but there is only so much that they can do. Its depressing that its so hard to be back to like before and...I guess suffer and feel trapped with this.
My new psychologist is very nice and caring and I can't wait for Monday to begin the therapy sessions. I stopped the caffeine, alcohol, have been eating very healthy since it started, and I plan on taking up yoga ( I heard it helps).
13 years ago 0 1665 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Blueskies (WELCOME) and Ashepp3: 
I was exactly as you describe in your posts.  Afraid of heart attack, afraid to read about heart attacks, afraid when it went faster, afraid if I felt chest pain (one of my main symptoms) afraid of walking too far in case I couldn't get back.  Lots of FEAR. 
I have ecg's every 6 months because of high BP.  I've had nuclear stress test, chemical stress test.  All o.k.  So, how did I get over this fear.  By taking it one day at a time. Especially practicing and using the relaxation techniques, box breathing, visualization every single day.  By allowing myself to not read the latest news on heart research, by allowing myself to rest if I thought I needed it.  This I called self-care.  I didn't "avoid" anything, I allowed myself, (I did stop coffee and switched to herbal teas for about 6 months) kept going to the gym, kept walking even if sometimes it was a short walk (especially winter, too cold).  But I was mindful of getting tired, if I was overtired or sick it was time to rest, take a break. There are certain exercises I have to be careful about, no heavy lifting or straining, very light above the head.  By listening to my body in this way, I felt I was taking care of the symptom but also it allowed for the exercise and good nutrition and positive self talk to work its magic.
As you become more relaxed loud noises won't be so irritating, though even people without anxiety don't like loud noises - well, except for music/concerts maybe.  If I begin to startle easily and feel jumpy, then I know it's time to get back to the relaxation techniques - the muscle relaxation and visualization and meditation, deep breathing, etc.   Gets me back on track, back to basics.
As I got stronger and felt better and the more I went out and did things, the more confidence I had that my body was strong.  My fears of heart disease eventually faded. I knew I was eating well and exercising.  Be patient with yourselves, keep up a healthy regimen, keep positive and continue going to your doctor if you think you need care and advice and your check ups. 
I haven't been to a gym for a few years and think yoga would be a gentler exercise at my age.  Possibly a better exercise for racing hearts if that's what worries you - just for now.
Sometimes I used to talk to my heart.  I would say something like this, "it's o.k., nothing's wrong, I'm taking good care of you".  Silly maybe, but it often worked, brought some control back.
Your friend,
13 years ago 0 56 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Your story sounds very, very similar to mine. I too am now afraid to exercise too hard, drink caffeine, drink alcohol, be in crowded places, etc. Whereas before I loved to go out drinking with friends, now I find myself so scared of the drinking causing panic that I can only have one drink. I'm working on all these things. It makes me depressed when I think about how much this has changed me and that I'm not the same person. I've found that these thoughts are among the most distressing I have. 

I read on the other thread that you are seeing a new psychologist. I have been too for the last couple weeks and it's really helping. At first we were mostly doing biofeedback but I really started opening up more when we talk and we are starting to make a lot of progress getting to the core of some of my issues. 

Most days I feel fine now, it's just some of my remaining fears still cause me to despair. I do feel like the panic was a bit of a wake up call for me because I am making a lot of positive changes in my life now.
13 years ago 0 9 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
My anxious thoughts and fears....

I am basically obsessed with my heart. My anxiety started after a very intense workout that I felt like I was going to pass out or die.. Ever since then I started getting panic attacks which at first was just trouble breathing and dizzy. It started getting worse...
I started getting chest pains, palpitations, occasional skipped heartbeat, shaking, feeeling extremely nervous.. I don't have the issue of not being able to breathe anymore...I somehow managed that but everything else is much worse and I am terrified of dying or having heart problems. I have beeen to a few doctors to do blood work and stress tests to rule out physical problems and so far so good. But I was never like this before and now everything that typically makes me nervous turns into anxiety, I don;t drink caffeine or alcohol as a result. I avoid going out to loud places or crowded places because it starts getting to me. I prefer just going to restaurants or places with soft music. I can't watch too many action movies and it pumps me up too much. I have stopped working out where I feel my heart pumping too much as it scares me. I am terrified of flying but never was before. I am terrfied of walking down the aisle of my wedding as both my parents will be there together and it stress me out that they might argue and I also don't like being the center of attention.

My parents divorced when I was in my early teens and they have always been negative and critical. Like ascleep3, I was the good one and was expected to do everything and my sister got away with anything. Now I cannot handle anyone critizing or my parents complaing and etc. as it gets me tense and cause my chest to tighten up. I cannot handle any stress or negativity whatsoever anymore.

The only way I find I am ok is watching comedies and going outside and meeting up with my fiance or going for massages or acupuncture. Seeing people makes it better and take my mind off of things and also biking outside has that same effect. 

13 years ago 0 252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Hi, ashepp3,

Thank you for responding and sharing your story..I too was the responsible one. I find we all have a lot in common..Reading your story really helped me and I am sure lots of others reading..
Good morning Guy,
Thank you for responding and sharing your story with me..I guess were are all more alike than not when it comes to how we grew up and its effect on us..I wasn't raised Catholic either,I just thought it would be a place to go where I belonged and where I could help people in need..One of my grandmothers was raised in a convent due to her mothers unexpected death in the early 1900's and I admired her as a person...Reading your story helped me in so many ways..I thought I was the only one who had a hard time of it at home as a child..Another thing we all have in common is that we are all good people who are able to love and be loved in spite of what has happened to use in the past..I think we have all come a long way on our individual roads of recovery and each and everyone one of us is better for it..
Reaching out and sharing our stories plays a big part in the healing process..Thank you for being a part of this group.
13 years ago 0 1665 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Red:  No, a post is not wasted, it is for you and it is for those who read it.  I may not have responded, but I did it read it and thought of you. :-)
Hi Cdn. Guy:  Sometimes we tend to put our fears on others. i.e. your gf having the same characteristics as your ex.  This is unfair to her as you already know, and it colours the relationship.  Better to be innocent in heart and mind and accept all that comes your way, rather than ruin something with negative thoughts, painting people with the same brush.  By keeping the open heart, you will be closer to the truth.  You will know you have done your part with an open heart and mind.  No one can predict the future, you can work towards it, you can plan, you can dream about it.  Keep the faith, as I always say, and hope for the future.
Your friend, Sunny
13 years ago 0 89 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hey Sid,
Please see that a thread got overlooked - not you! You've contributed so much to this forum, I don't think you as a person could ever be overlooked by the rest of us. 
What I find interesting is that almost every post I've read on this board about the upbringing of each of us, is one that could have been written by me too. The idea of not belonging to your family and being told you were an oopsie, and not in a very nice way, the thought of going off to a convent (for me it was a monastery, and I wasn't raised Catholic), the subsequent fear of being alone or invisible. I'd wager most of us have similar childhoods.
So, yes, this thread has made me think. All of the threads that I have read make me think and either spur me to face a fear or encourage me that I am succeeding.
On another part of the forum, someone wrote about they always felt that they weren't allowed to have emotions while their sibling could. They had to be always up, never angry and just basically sucking it up while their sibling could do pretty much whatever they wanted. That's another one that could have been written by me. I was always the one they, "didn't have to worry about." Sounds like a compliment, but it made me feel like I was invisible too. Or at least I didn't warrant any attention. I don't know whether my parents meant it like that or not, but that's how I took it. As a teenager, I was the responsible one. I was the one that came home every night, stayed out of the way, did what I was told, paid my own way for almost everything, while my sibling drank, disappeared for days, physically fought with my Dad, so forth and so on. Yet they continued to bail him out and sink time, effort, and money into him. I came home late one night and was told to pack my stuff in a garbage bag and get out. That was before cell phones so I couldn't phone to tell them I was going to be late.
So, yeah, I can relate. It is my fear that I won't ever be loved or even recognized. Even though my sweetie has never given me a good reason to doubt her love, I still feel like it's a manipulation sometimes. That she's just going to get what she wants out of me and then bail, telling me she never really loved me. Why not? That was how my parents made me feel, that's what my ex-wife did to me, why should that trend stop here? I don't know, but I choose to believe that is NOT the case. And if it does turn out to be the case, I'll fall apart for awhile, a good long while I suspect, but ultimately I know that my son loves me, just because I'm Dad. :) That means a lot to me.
I also know that my parents didn't really know what they were doing. They did try to be better parents than they're parents were - and overall I think they succeeded. My brother has helped me tremendously in the past and I want to be able to be there for him if he needs it as well. My mom has given me lots of moral support during this whole move situation that I'm still in. Probably more moral support than the rest of my life combined. So, I guess we can grow and change.
Wow, apparently I had a few things to get off my chest! Sid, thanks for bringing that out.
13 years ago 0 252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thank you for understanding and for being here.
I am making progress working on and discovering my negative core beliefs and getting to the root of them..
Thanks for noticing and yes I am winning....I am beginning to feel better about who I am.
Thanks for helping me find my way on this difficult journey..
Your friend,
13 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

No thread is ever wasted. It is information and example. It is the difference between a functional forum and one no one is interested in. One other thing, it is a forum not a debate. You can answer what ever questions you choose too. I for one think it is a very good thread and I'm glad you posted it. It shows who you are not just a bunch of words that say nothing. And who you are is some one winning against heavy odds and doing it very well.

Your friend,

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