Hello ducky: Whine away, that's what this site is for, we've all been there, we understand. Yes, I can relate to what you are saying. Ever heard of the expression "Fake it till you make it"? I did that for quite a long time. Sometimes you have to try and do that. It's not always easy but don't give up. I have GAD also, not very badly now, but once upon a time, very much so in a debilitating way. Although I was panic attack free before starting on cipralex, it does help keep this generalized anxiety at bay and so helps keep my blood pressure down. My pressure goes very high in the 200's, so it wears a person out. Happy to say, all is under control now and has been for a few months. My body is getting a rest and when I've been well for a good year or so, will taper off the cipralex with the doctor's help. I have tapered off Paxil before, many years ago, and it went o.k. According to my doctor, she tells me cipralex has fewer side effects so it should be even easier. Keep working the program and lean on us. Keep posting, we are listening and we will answer. Hang onto our hands, we will support you. Reach your goals, big or small, and we will celebrate with you.
A suggestion: Can you write a list of things you wish to do this coming wk.? Doesn't have to be big goals, little goals are fine. As you do them, tick them off. This is a positive reinforcement to show you how you are getting things done and moving ahead, step by step. It took awhile to get where you are now, it might take a while for your body to heal too. Can't rush it sometimes. Little by little. Everyday write down three things you are thankful for, these are positives too.
Hope some ideas here to help you out.
Your friend, Sunny