This is not my saying but I'll pass it on because it is true. "The past is in the past, you can't change it, only learn from it." It doesn't count. "Who knows what the future may bring, we can only do our best" It doesn't count. "Only the present matters, if you mess it up tomorrow it will be the past". Don't forget the past, just don't let it matter, you can't change it. Start all over today and make the future the best you can because it is going to be your new past. A proving ground.
Leave all that guilt behind to fade, cover it with a new beginning. Start my forgiving yourself. We all make mistakes, and much as you like to think they are your mistakes they are only partially. We are all influenced by people and surroundings. It is easy to get caught up in something and feel bad about it afterwards. Keep saying it, "I can't change the past, I can make it a better future."
If you need to say "sorry" do it even if you are the only one you need to say it too. Forgiveness is not just a word it is a healing tool.
I've been down the "road ahead", it is only bad to start with. It will smooth out and the journey get more enjoyable. And when you hit a rough patch remember that tomorrow it is in the past.
It does get more enjoyable, accomplishment is good for the mind.
Here for you,