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13 years ago 0 1665 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Jas:  Congratulations on your business.  I know about being self-employed.  Definitely keeps you hopping without much time off and lots of stress.  Glad you made it through the tough times of the recession.  Sounds like you have a happy family, that's wonderful.  Love your dog.
Red:  well I guess my changes are the health issues which happened this yr. They did cause a lot of anxiety and stress.  I'm still figuring out what I learned the most from these experiences.  The death of two friends this past winter was tough too. definitely changes there as I lost my confidant, close girlfriend.  Life goes on and there is still lots to enjoy and beauty/truth to see and experience. 
13 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Love the post. Good for you. And you have said it very clear, it is not the situation it is how you handle it. There is no such thing as a bad situation if you can make something good of it. As for the stress, well you knew it would be there. You seem to be handling it with a gram of humour.
I'm impressed.

Your friend
13 years ago 0 538 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi !
Jas...I'm so happy to hear that you have a wondeful family now.Good luck with your second business but remember to take some time for yourelf! I know, easier said than done.
Red, that's an interesting question. I know we all have regualr daily stresses but when the big ones come that certainly adds to my anxiety levels. In the past 3 years I have moved across Canada twice, my oldest son left home, (sort-of) my hubby has developed all sorts of new interests , I've had 4 different jobs, some health concerns , its been a bit of Rollar coaster. All that led me to my "dark days"..but in turn that led me here to this program and support that goes back to the "Everything happens for a reason"....  I am feeling so much better about life.
13 years ago 0 22 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Red,

I agree Red, we go through constant changes some little and some big, from changing your toothbrush to moving house, some good and some bad. Life's roller coaster! What an amazing, stressful, exhilarating, scary, disappointing, wonderful, and beautiful ride. Would not do without it really, would we?

Due to a very scary childhood I have suffered depression and anxiety most of my life from about 13 yrs old. In more recent years the depression has lifted but anxiety has become worse

For me Red the last 4 years have seen the most significant and biggest changes of my life thus far. I got married to my lovely Wife 3 yrs ago from which we have been blessed with a beautiful son who has just had his 1st birthday recently. Also took a risk and started my own business which is now in its 3rd year and seen quite a few ups and downs, but some how with God's grace managed to survive the recession. Take a deep breath for me...........................................In 2 weeks time, fingers crossed, our 2nd business will open its doors. I must be completely bonkers! Not sure if I can use that word. Oh well.

As you have probably figured out my stress levels are quite high, so high in fact, that they have passed the summit of Mount Everest and are still climbing. I feel so exhausted. I need a long holiday, then I will be needing a holiday to get over the holiday, Easier said than done, being self employed has its ups and downs and one of the downs is very little time off 

As for dealing with the stress, or rather not dealing with it. You could say that I was so busy at times I forgot about my anxiety/stress, big mistake. It caught up with me, hence the full blown panic attacks and fear. But as my old dear says every cloud has its silver lining and my silver lining is finding this site and all of you wonderful people. Coming here has helped me to step outside the box and assess the situation before it spirals out of control.

I know I will probably have some level of anxiety for the rest of my life but for me its how well I manage it. I just take things one day at a time, some days are good and some bad, I have just learned to roll with the punches over the years. The bad times make the good times so special.

Wish you peace Red.

Your friend,

13 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Since my situation is so different, I'm going to answer this question later but I do want to know how everyone else answers it. Keep in mind that I am basically cured.

Your friend
13 years ago 0 659 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I was thinking about all the changes we all go through in life.  No matter what our age.  This is one thing we all have in common. We all have had changes in our lives both negative and positive that have been stressful.  I would be interested in finding out more about the stress response and how to deal with such stresses brought on by change?  How about everyone else?  What changes have you experienced lately?  And has this played a part in your anxiety level?  

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