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Coping Skill Ideas For A Specific Situation

13 years ago 0 659 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I am sorry you are having to go through this.  I also have noisy neighbors and have thought about moving over the last 10 years. Like you said the market is very bad now for selling a house.  I have traveled around in a trailer looking for the right place to move.  I was just looking on line again over the weekend but so many of the homes are abandoned and run down now.  It has quieted down around here for the last few days.  I am not sure if I am ready for a move now emotional or physically, plus I have a quilting class I would like to take here where I live.  I really have no advice for you on how to deal with the neighbors.  We do leave town and go camping to get away and that helps.  We are retired and can pretty much go when ever we want. The point is we should not have to go away or move.  Coming home is always hard, plus I have some things I want to do here. I am sorry I couldn't help you more.  Keep us posted and let know if you find a way to deal with your situation.
13 years ago 0 124 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Shari,
That is really unfortunate that your nice country home has turned into such a loud busy place! I would be irritated too. And your neighbour does sound really inconsiderate. I'm going to have to disagree with Davit on this one however (sorry Davit). I think that if you try to deal with this in such a way it will just make things worse. It sounds like he is not willing to stop his whistles and you have already had a conversation with him about it, so trying to match him will just be instigating the situation even more. I would be very careful how you try to deal with this...maybe give it some time and write him a letter explaining how the whistles affect you...disturbs you...causes anxiety.....etc etc. Try to come to a compromise...ask him if there is certain times of the day he can do it...
Anyway, I hope you are able to resolve this issue calmly... keep us posted.
13 years ago 0 1071 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Honestly, I had the same idea.  My husband said he'd like to put a card board cut out of Elmer Fudd and stake it into the ground holding a sign saying, "Duck Season Is Over".    
13 years ago 0 2606 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Shari,
I am sorry to hear that your country home has turned into a noisy bustling city. It sounds like at this point, moving is not an option for you. Be sure to take a look through the session in the program on resolving disputes. You may find there are a few techniques you haven't tried yet. Remember to consider all possible consequences to the way you decide to approach this situation.  Keep us posted on the situation, we hear and understand your frustrations.

Samantha, Health Educator
13 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Yes. Only one and only because he just does not listen. As long as he thinks he can get away with it he will continue to do it. Disruption. If you do not let out the anger it will effect you. You say he uses a loud whistle to train the dogs well you need a louder one. I would get one of those air horns that they use at hockey games, you know the kind that are loud.
It is your property the only thing that keeps you from being ignorant is common courtesy. If he can't train there he will have to go elsewhere to do it. Every time he blows the whistle blow back at him smile and wave. This will let your anger out and maybe he will get the hint. You can not hold this in. If you can't do this and you might not be able too you are going to suffer. If you make a stand maybe the neighbours will to.

Good luck
13 years ago 0 1071 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Everyone, 

Our country home has turned into a noisy, loud, bustling city with a fire dept. across the street, medivac helicopter pad next to the fire dept., a train track behind the house, etc.  I've been able to adjust to the noise until we had a neighbor move in who trains his Labs with noisy whistles.  He wakes me up every single morning rain or shine and it's just the straw that broke the camel's back with me.  I feel like I could handle it, without this extra noise, but it is an issue.  He used to use a dummy launcher which sounds exactly like the crack of a shot gun.  Initially, I called the police, because I was concerned that someone was shooting deer too close to the neighborhood.  The police talked to him and he continued twice a day.  I had a polite talk with him and he continues his noise, with the added bonus of giving my husband and me threatening dirty looks every day.  He will not change therefore I have to.  He is apparently above the law, because he is a fire man.  He's a very aggressive individual and it makes me think about what negative core beliefs he acquired as a child to make him behave this way as an adult.  We can't move, the U.S. is in a huge recession and houses will not sell.  My husband and I do plan to retire in Amish country, where the only noise posibility is a rooster and a hand held wheat thresher.  I tell myself this is only temporary, but we can't retire for 17 years.  Egads!  When my daughter graduates from college and gets her apartment, we are planning to move our bedroom to the back of the house, but that's the last thing we can physically do to manage this situation.  I think the neighbors are too afraid of him to stand up together.  Any coping skill ideas?

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