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Supporting each other - Today

14 years ago 0 6 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Happy Easter! Thank you all for the supportive messages. Today was actually a better day. I just relaxed, read, and pretty much zoned out. Hardly any leg pain so that's good. Last night was pretty bad but I am glad I didn't wake up in the same mindset. Davit- yes, I am in the US and a therapy session is $40 each time. When I went before they wanted to see me twice/week to begin. That adds up. You sound like you have been through a lot, but also sound like you are overcoming a lot of it too. I am happy to have somewhere to write out what I am feeling and receive such wonderful advice and support. I think I am going to try to journal as well as a 30 min walk in the evenings when my husband's schedule permits. I think most of my health anxiety somes from being over weight. I have tried dieting and exercise and failed before but I have to keep on it. Thanks for all the advice about the flight. I am going to Vegas for a very fun girls weekend to see one of our ver favorite bands. I don't think I could get on the plane otherwise. I do have somebody flying with me nd its a direct flight so I didn't have to deal with double the take offs and landings. I will begin the 2nd week of the program tomorrow. I think hubby has finally started reading up on GAD and panic so he is being better I hope everybody has a great day and again, thank you.
14 years ago 0 11226 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Sounds beautiful.
I went for a nice long walk today and I agree with your words completely.  Beautiful day to be alive!
The chicken is a favorite of mine to make.  I butterfly the chicken, add ham and swiss cheese inside, close with tooth picks.  Then I coat it in flour and paprika.  I then brown the sides on the stove stop with butter.  Then I add lots of white wine and chicken bouillon simmer for about 30 minutes and remove the chicken.  Add heavy cream and cornstarch to the broth and top the chicken with the sauce. LOVELY 
Members, share what you enjoyed today!


Ashley, Health Educator
14 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

I am in this little tiny community between two mountain ranges in North East British Columbia. The mountains are close and there is still snow on the top half so the cold can make it snow but it doesn't stay long. Tulips look funny growing out of the snow. It is spring but just barely. Can't garden for another month but I can start things in the Greenhouse if I heat it at night. Trees are just starting to open there leaves. Mama goose had to go sit on her eggs and keep them warm this morning but she is back enjoying the sun again. It really is a nice day with the ducks and geese in the pond in the back yard. The grass is turning the ground green. All in all just a good day to be alive and panic free.
Chicken cordon bleu sounds like something I should make some day.  :-)

14 years ago 0 11226 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
That sounds wonderful Red!
Davit, the cornish hen sounds great.  Snowing!  Where are you that it is snowing?
Today I hid a few Easter eggs with my family!  It was great fun. We even hid meatballs for the dogs.  They seemed to have so much fun! Actually searching for them!  I plan on making chicken cordon bleu for dinner
Thinking of all of you on this beautiful Easter day!

Ashley, Health Educator
14 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Woke up this morning to find it snowing, but it cleared off and melted. It is going to be a gorgeous day. I am going to plant a few more seeds in my green house, then go for a drive. Later I have a Cornish Hen to cook. Depending on where I end up on my drive I may visit friends or I may just pick up more fuel for my tractor. I have no actual plans and today is a good day for that. After so many years of panic it is good to know that I can just get in my car and go do what I want to.

Happy Easter.
14 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Valerie.

I do phone support so there must be some one in the area where you live that does this. There is also a crisis line but some times it is not set up to deal with panic, they are more geared to suicide. Your hospital should be able to give you a number to call. When I was very bad the nurse on duty used to talk me down while I waited for my medication to work, (about 15 minutes) but this is a small hospital and all the nurses knew what I was going through. I have been through what you are going through, and I know for a while my file said hypochondriac. It might still. So now I want to give back the help I got.
If you are not able to have an ultrasound to look for blood clots, could you get permission from your doctor to take aspirin to thin your blood and prevent them. It is pretty harmless as long as you take it with food. Ultrasound takes about five minutes and entails finding a vein and pushing on it to see if it flattens. If it doesn't flatten then it is a clot. That simple. Heparin shots twice a day in the stomach are one of the treatments the other is warferin.
Now about this flight you have to take. First, I presume you are going with some one who can help you get on and off. This is one of the situations that Ativan is meant for. Ativan and Gravol will get you through the flight. taken a half hour before flying. This is the combination that they use when medivacing people. Been there. Being shoved in a plane on a stretcher is scary, this combination worked for me. If you can't sleep through the flight, then arm curls with a bottle of water or pop will keep the circulation up and if you count it will work as a distraction. I do this also when I have to drive a long ways. 
Since you have to pay for a therapist you must be in the US. The alternative is to bring your concerns here. It won't be as good as an hour long session with a therapist, but there are people here who have gone through what you are and can tell you what they do.  Meds? Definitely. I don't think you are thinking clear enough right now to deal with this without them. Consider them as temporary till you get better. The program works but you have to be able to think clearly enough to absorb it. 
Going for a walk where you can be alone and cry, is a great stress reliever. I still do it when the load gets to much to handle. And yes I am a man. We have the ability to cry for good reason. Don't be afraid to bring your concerns here. We are here to help and no one will ridicule.

Happy Easter.
14 years ago 0 420 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I was going to cook a ham at home for the two of us today but I got a surprise call from my son last night. He was on duty at his Fire station and said he was going to be off duty for Easter and invited us up for Easter dinner at his house with my daughter in law, my grandkids and all their immediate family.  It will be nice getting to see them and spend Easter with them this year.  
14 years ago 0 11226 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Happy Easter!

What is or was (depending on when you read this) everyone's Easter plans?

Ashley, Health Educator
14 years ago 0 420 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Good morning everybody and Happy Easter.   Here comes Peter Cottontail Hopping down the bunny trail hippity hoppity Easters on is way!!!  I just love this song and all the cute little pink bunnies.  I guess I am just a big kid a heart.  Aren't we all?
14 years ago 0 1665 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi ValerieV30:  I know exactly how you feel - I used to worry about health too.  If you could visit your Dr. before going on this flight, perhaps this would alleviate some of your fears.  If your leg symptoms are getting better, you'll do o.k.  Getting up and walking up and down the aisles of the plane is good for circulation too - I do that. If necessary I would inform the flight attendants about my leg and believe me, they'd be happy to help in any way they can.
 Visualization techniques work great too.  A couple of weeks before the flight you can visualize yourself at the airport, sitting in the plane, takeoff and landing and how happy you will be when you reach your destination.  It takes practice but it works.  I would do this visualization every day after my breathing and relaxation exercises when you have a quiet time, no interruptions. at least 5-10 min. in the a.m. and 5-10 min. in the p.m.  You may not think it's working, but it really will.  When I got nervous on the plane I just did the breathing (no one could tell) and it calmed me right down.
Another thought is some distraction for on the plane.  I know someone who uses a small rubber ball to squeeze and relax during times of stress.  She carries it in her purse, no one knows.  If you choose something like that, I would practice it before the trip.
Hope these suggestions can help you.  p.s. If you need SSRI meds for awhile, personally I think that's o.k.  Let the meds help you get over the worst of this anxiety so you can relax enough to study the CBT program and start to make changes.  When you feel stronger in a few months' time, you can taper off with your Dr's. knowledge and help.
hoping you have a good day today

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