It seems like everytime I get to the point where I tell my self that its just panic and not some deadly disease I have a set back. REcently they have been numbness and tingling in my pinky and ring finger and a vibrating sensation in my left foot. Overall after 8 months of everyday in fear my body is just just tired and sick of the panic I put it through and the symptoms are there bc of it. Last night I decided to stay at home alone with my 3 year old for the first time in a long time, I fretted all day as to what was going to happen, and sure enough when all my company left I had a big panic attack, I called my husband and he helped and I also prayed which helped most of all along with reading the bible, but I made it through it and this morning I felt so much better that I had made it through it. My biggest problem is always that I think Im having a heart attack, so I went to my sisters and all day she was telling me about this show on discovery channel called "mystery diagnosis" and thought that I fit the sysmptoms of huntingtons diesease then we put all my sysmptoms on webmd sysmptom cheaker and anyway its a horrible idea to do this, my awesome day tured worse shortly after this(didnt help Iwent to walmrt I always want out of that place). So I going to keep trucking tonight by myself and hopefully I wont think all night about how there are all these other dieseases that fit my sysmptoms. Thank you for the vent I feel as if NOONE understands what Im going through and its nice to have you guys.