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15 years ago 0 24 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Thank you all so much for your replies.  It feels good to have somebody really understand what I'm going through. 

Heathab81 - I envy your strenght - you got help as soon as you could and have made so much progress!

Barbika - Where do you most of your PAs?  I have 90% of my PAs at works probably thats why it more difficuly for me to go.  I still go though I wonder if I'm "overexposing" myself .  I wonder if there is such a thing.  Maybe I'll post this question in another thread.

Roxi - Your advice on how to deal with a PA sounds great-- I at times can do it but I still have difficulty calming myself on my own during "big ones".
I'm looking forward to all your support.  I hope those who have gotten over this will take time to comfort those of us who are still struggling with thes.
15 years ago 0 4 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I have found that the worse I fight it the worse it gets, its when I start feeling the feeling that I tell my self " There is nothing to fight, or nothing to be scared of, its just my body reacting to stress because it is used to doing so this way, so I will just sit here and let it do its thing because its not scary!" I know its sounds silly but if you fight it, your body is already geared up for the fight which produces more adrealine, this helped me alot, hopefully it can some other people, I learned this from the book"Hope and Help for your nerves" by Claire Weekes. I to started out like you thinking that it wasnt a pa that something was wrong with me, it started in Oct. of 2008. I went to so many Doctors to find out I was fine. My therapist said that its almost like sysmtoms of ptsd because I was so afraid the first attack, bc I was alone with my 3 year old. You will get through this, just like we all will, your doing a good job so far, just dont fight and let time pass, it may take awhile but thats ok:>
15 years ago 0 11216 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
It sounds like you are really fighting to get yourself healthy.  That really good, you should be proud of yourself.  The symptoms you are mentioning often go hand in hand with panic, but your doctor should know best in terms of diagnosis.  Dizziness can be alleviated by taking 30 seconds between each shift in position. For ex: Going from lying to sitting, take a 30 second pause before getting up to a standing position.  See if that helps at all. 
Try not to "over obsess" about your health because you could be making the problem worse.  Although doctors can sometimes be wrong if you have spoken to many doctors with the same results it might be better for your health if you take their advice and try to not to worry so much.  I know it is easier said then done but working through the problem can help you learn some techniques on how to stop over worrying.
Keep up the good work and keep posting we love hearing about how everyone is doing.  
Any other members experiencing similar symptoms for Barbika's?  Any advice?
Ashley, Health Educator
15 years ago 0 23 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Lovne9
I do totally share experiences with you, from having being told by ER, and doctors that there's nothing wrong with me. Even though these symptoms are pretty scary and you feel like you are going to loose it daily. Even though you won't.
I have been feeling this way for 7 months now having numerous panic attacks, feeling fainty, tired , nauseous, and so forth. And i'm able to go to work, and still over obsessing on my health.
I'm also afraid to take meds, so basically i have no idea what it feels like being under depressants. Since i never took them. But so far i feel like i wont, and seemes like doing work on this site, and changing my diet, excersizing and doing my work with this helps me baby stepps.
I'm also under cognitive behavioral therapy, which helps me flush of all the worry and anxiety ...which i can recomend you as well.
Good luck and all the best,
take care

15 years ago 0 14 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I understand...I'm a newbie to panic too, mine started on April 4th and I too wondered why don't I just get over it? I take Xanax when I need to and I still get panicky. Slowly I have come to realize that I need to be patient with myself. I feel the anxiety gets worse if I beat myself up over why I have panic and why I can't get rid of it. I also lost about 7 pounds the first week from all the stress. Just keep going to your therapist and give yourself time. And this program really does help, I feel atleast 50% better in the 3 weeks that I have been working on it. Just give yourself time and work it will be ok.
Hope that helps...
15 years ago 0 24 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thanks for the welcome! 
To answer your question, I don't think its's the fear of having one in public or in front of my co-workers-- I believe it's fear of the attack itself--that one time I will have an attack so severe that I'll just withdraw from everything and be severyl depressed and take my own life.
Sounds very scary but that's my "jumping to conclusion"--that if I don't get well then I'll eventually lose hope about everything in life.  I dearly want to live--especially see my girl grow up-- but if I'm afraid to be a bad example by being sick all the time and afraid fo things--
15 years ago 0 955 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thank you for sharing your story here and welcome to the boards.
You have raised a number of important points in your post. Thinking about and identifying your triggers can be an important part of the way you manage your own emotions and behaviours. You mentioned that work could be a trigger for you. Is this because of the fear of having an attack in public? Or having one around your co-workers?
Take some time to look through the resources and sessions available here. By reading through the sessions and completing the homework, you may also have more insight into your own behaviours and actions and how these can affect your day-to-day life.
Members, what initial advice can you offer lovine9? Anything mentioned that is similar to your own story?
Stay close to the boards lovine9 and let us know how you are doing. We are here for you through this journey, just reach out when you need to!
Sarah, Health Educator
15 years ago 0 24 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I wanted to introduce myself and tell my story.
February 15, 2009 - started taking Lipo-6.  These are diet pills with caffeine.
March 2, 2009 - (while doing payroll) got light headed and experienced chest pain so officemates called 911.  At the ER I was feeling OK except for tingling sensation on my arms and legs-- EKG & BP was normal.  The doctor said it could be the pills that I took.  It was taking so long for somebody to see me that I left--since I was feeling better and felt foolish taking the pills.  Rested the next day and went back to work the day after that.
March 16, 2009 - (while doing payroll) got lightheaded and a little dizzy- got hot flushes and tingling sensations-- asked a co worker to bring me to the Urgent Care.  It was so bad I felt I couldn't breath and it came in waves-- I hope you know what I mean.  EKG, BP and bloodwork were all fine--the doctor said my symptoms does not match up and it could be panic attack-- he prescribed Ativan.
I didn't want to believe him that it was just that.  Evening came and I was alone and I got upset that my husband didn't go home right away and I had another PA and had to call 911 to my home.  The paramedics took my EKG and BP and everything was fine and asked me what I want to do- I had them take me to the ER but when I got there-they were so busy and I left after waiting for a few hours-again.  I didn't go to work the whole week and had more blood tests done almost positive that something is wrong with me. I think I was actually hoping there is something wrong with me-- to think that all these are ONLY from my mind was more frightening for me.  All my blood test came back normal and I cried!  I cried so much because why is there something wrong with my mind-- I was so scared.  I did a lot of gardening over the weekend and went back to work the next week-- I did OK for 1 week.  I thought I was over it!  I was wrong.
March 30, 2009 -I was in good spirits driving to work and then it hit me again!  I felt I was going to faint and crash and it felt so terrible!  I began questioning my good health.  I finally parked my car and had to ask a co worker to come get me from the building lobby where I worked at.  She convinced me to take Ativan and I did take half-- we walked around the building then I slept-got so drowsy from the Ativan.  My husband had to pick me up from work.  The next day, I tried to drive to work but after a few miles I had to drive back!  I was just so scared!  I took another half Ativan and slept.  Wednesday-- my husband accompanied me to my work place.  I made him leave after lunch and had him pick me up after work.  Thursday I asked for a ride from my sister in law.  My husband picked me up and we went to see a therapist (April 2, 2009).  The therapist mentioned that in 6 months I'll feel better! This got me so scared!  I didn't want to be like this for the next 6 months!  I want to get well NOW!  So he said "then what I want you to do is go your car right now and drive to work!"  The thought got me so scared that I just cried.  The next day- I drove to work!  It was so hard but I did it!  I kept on thinking " I'm going to die"-- and I didn't.  Now I don't fear driving--I still get mild attacks while driving but I no longer associate it with driving.
I've always thought that my trigger is going to work.  For a while I stopped fearing going to work--but then I will have another biggie PA then I go back to getting anxious again.  I've done th Hidden Emotion technique and there's nothing that really stresses me out dramatically-- just this fear of having another attack and most of all the fear of not getting better--the fear of having this for life--and the fear that it might defeat me and I wouldn't want to live anymore.  I think my mom had PAs too but wasn't diagnosed.  And she will be depressed for months at a time and i fear of becoming her.--I have a 4 yr old daughter and I fear that she will be like me too!
I got so depressed for the past two weeks that I lost 7 lbs! (Yippee!!-at least PA has an upside?)  Only a few days ago that things started to look hopeful again.  There are huge chunk of hours that I will still feel hopeless and defeated but I'm thankful for the the few minutes, however few, that I will sometimes think I can do this.
I'm not sure why I haven't gotten over this.  I go to work everyday!  I have multiple panic attacks daily at work and I still go on.  BUT it is like gritting my teeth everyday and doing things and it gets very tiring.
I'm not on any meds-- I'm too scared to be on them.  I feel like I'll just get worse long term.
Any insights?

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