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Venting venting venting

16 years ago 0 477 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello Minnesota,
I'm sorry I haven't been on and it seemed like we all were having such hard times. It sounds a bit like your husband is dominating and doesn't understand where you are coming from. My husband didn't understand well too much and probably doesn't completely yet either and I'm sure there is a lot of stress on them to see that they need to be the 'stable' one since we cannot easily work like them. Just keep expressing your feelings to him while letting him know you love him too. Good luck, and great job on all your accomplishments!!

16 years ago 0 778 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello Minnie . Tisk i think hubby is being a wee bit mean here . You are coming along leaps and bounds atm , and its truly a pleasure for us to read your progress . Maybe he just he reminding that if you are pushed too much you might have a setback . Noone wants that after all the hard work you have done . Its very unfair to ask you to give up your quilting as well .
How are you doing today ? x
16 years ago 0 2101 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hiya Minnessota,
I just read your two last posts. About the first one I want to say wow! You really are working hard and racking up successes! I am so amazed by all you are accomplishing! Congratulations. I think it is great all the steps you are making.
As for your second post, I am sorry to hear you had trouble with your husband again. I do think Breanne is right and that your husband needs to understand that you are doing the best but at this time of year, jobs are just already filled with school kids! You applied at walgreens and are taking a lot of great steps in the right direction. I would give you advice on how to deal with this but I am no marriage expert hehe. I do think though that communication is important. Mostly, I know that through all this, the best thing you can do is take good care of yourself regardless of whatecer else happens. And feel free to vent with us anytime. I find venting helps tons!
As for being anxious when pushed I am EXACTLY the same! I would no like to be told what he told you at all! It would make me dizzy and anxious too! Hang in there Minnessota! Maybe he just does not understand yet how it is for you. It is possible that he will get it you know. My husband did not always get that this was really a mental illness and that I was truely doing my best! That I wasn't just doing this on purpose. At first he didn't understand and felt really lost in all this. It was tough for both of us. But then eventually he got it. Now, we fight a lot still but he does not push me anymore. He doesn't push for me to work more or whatever. He gets that I will push myself as hard as I can on my own and that I will do my best. And maybe with talking to your hubby he will understand that too. Anyway, all this to say there is hope and this can change lol.
Just take good care of yourself. You deserve the best. As for stopping the quilting, please don't. You bring such beauty in the world!
Know that you are in my thoughts.
16 years ago 0 1693 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Is there a rush to work on the deck? Can it wait until next summer?
In terms of work, I think you are doing a great job. You are right, in general, most places are staffed for the summer and don't hire again until September. Let your husband know that you are doing all that you can, I think it is important that he understands that.
Breanne, Bilingual Health Educator
16 years ago 0 341 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
HI gang, My brother in law wants to work on our deck, if we hire him then he can get it done fast, if he does it on weekends it means we never get it done.  So hubby comes straight to me and says" no more quilting stuff, and you need to get a job quicker".  I told him that I have been applying and that its not easy now with the school kids in all the jobs, no one is really hiring till september, and he said well keep looking.  It just made me dizzy, and anxious.  Firstly its unfair of my bro in law to ask us for money, but in the end he is cheaper than if we got a big company to do it., But it really makes a dent for us, and it makes me more anxious when i'm pushed,  I start panicking when i'm constantly pushed, and it makes it worse.  anyhow, just wanted to vent again,..
16 years ago 0 1693 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
You are doing so great minnesota! Congrats on making it to the gym and the library, keep up the amazing work!
Breanne, Bilingual Health Educator
16 years ago 0 778 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Oh wow !!! Your doing so well  You must be so pleased .
16 years ago 0 341 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Diva, you are very helpful, Just posting is helpful:) I applied at the local walgreens, the american version of shoppers, just for a cashier job, and then doing merchandising, which I love, setting up displays and such, And its right next to the gym!!!! I went to the gym this morning,  I felt a bit dizzy, but I think that was because it was quite hot and humid and I walked up the big hill.  I drank about 3 bottles of water.  I did some arm machines and some stomach stuff, and left after about 40 mins and walked home.  I feel good now:) I think tomorrow I might explore and try bike to a closeish coffee shop, if its not too humid.  I"m doing so well with my gym and library,  I feel I should try something else, see how I feel in the morning.:)
16 years ago 0 2101 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello Minnessota!
Wow it sounds like you took some very good decisions for yourself. I have very little advice to give anyone about marriage atm. But I did want to let yu lknow you were in my thoughts and that we are here for you :) I am glad to see that you have been working this out for yourself.I agree with you that this marriage thing can be hard work! Also, I agree that too much emotion during talking seems to freak some men out.
Anyway, sorry I cannot be more hlpful. How did the gym go anyway? Keep us posted on how you are and remember that you deserve the best!
16 years ago 0 1693 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
What kind of work would you be looking for Minnesota? I think that it is a great idea that you look for part time work, I think it would benefit you in so many ways.
Keep us posted on the job hunt!
Breanne, Bilingual Health Educator

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