I thought I was alone on the whole "#2" thing. I have a huuuuuge fear of having to go while I am in a car, or somewhere where there is no bathroom. Ever since I was very young I have had this fear. I try and make myself go before I put myself in any situation where this could happen. Once, I was on my way to a baseball game (when my panics and agoraphobia were under control) with my fiance, it was in a big city and during rush hour, we were stopped in traffic in a tunnel for 2 1/2 hours, I needed to go soooo bad, I thought I was literally going to have an accident. My stomach was killing me, and the panic attacks were making it sooo much worse. The fear of the tunnel, traffic, and me having diarreah were dreadful. Aughh I don't even want to think about that, it was AWFUL. Any suggestions for someone like me who is so scared of this?