Oh, how the list goes on in my head!!! But, my two largest and worst anxiety triggers are as follow:
I thought I was having heart problems for years because I keep getting this flippy feeling in my chest that goes up my throat. Every time this would happen, panic would kick in and just take off. This was a HUGE symptom for me to conquer. I was terrified of dying and leaving my children without a mother. One day, my doctor told me that this is a very normal heart rhythm that everyone has and some people are more likely to feel it than others. She said that panickers feel it more because we are more intuned with our bodies and every little bump and grind that doesn't feel right. Basically, because we pay more attention to it than people who don't panic. Anyway, she also told me that once I realized that this was not something dangerous (which she assured me it isn't) that it would start to go away. So, by working with the Panic Program and going through the steps, I taught myself to stop being afraid of this symptom. I had to constantly remind myself of what my doctor said - CONSTANTLY. And, she was right. I've stopped being afraid of it, and it doesn't happen hardly at all anymore. It does still come now and again, but it doesn't make me want to crawl out of my skin anymore.
So, I got rid of that one and now I'm dealing with another, equally difficult, symptom. The light headed, dizzy, derealization nightmare we all deal with. This one is a tough one and I still haven't gotten through it. I keep reminding myself of things I've learned here and I keep telling myself this is just anxiety, this is just anxiety, you're ok, etc.... etc.... But, I still struggle with it every day. Some days are certainly worse than others. Today is proving to be a tough day with it. Actually, I think my allergies have kicked in with the Autumn weather coming and that always makes me dizzy. But, it certainly doesn't help with the anxiety much either!!! Sometimes I wonder if I'm dizzy because of the anxiety or is it something deeper and I'm anxious because of the dizziness?! ;p Really irritating!! However..... I'm going through the Panic Program again and trying to talk myself through this symptom the same as before as with the other trigger. Most days it does help. A work in progress I suppose.