Thank you everybody for your advice and support :)
It is a good advice to concentrate on other situations that remind of flying. I'll keep it in my mind :) Also, I keep working through the program here.
Yes, now flying has been left as the only trigger for my panic attacks. I have overcome all other triggers (like going by public transport, going far away from home, using elevators etc.)
Half a year ago for some months I was really agoraphobic, housebound, suffering from clinical depression (a nightmare).
Then it was medicine + psychoterapy that helped me to overcome all that. Now it is only flying left plus sometimes I feel that my depression can come back and I am scared a bit to feel all what I felt half a year ago.
I have flied only 3 times and am not very used to flying. Some years ago if somebody offered me a million dollars if I stepped into an airplane, I would say- no, I won't do that even if it is one million dollars. My fright was so extreme! Terrifying!
I missed so many chances in my life because of this fright. And now I am doing everything to have a possibility to fly. Planning my trips that involve flying. :) I want a normal life back!!! I won't live with fright, better is to be dead! I am very strict to myself altough I like to complain about things :( No fright in my life anymore!!!