Is it normal if sometimes challenging your thoughts makes you a bit more anxious at first? As if focusing so much on your anxious thoughts makes you a bit more anxious?
Today i was doing my thought challenging for week three and it kept leading me to another thought. I ended up using three sheets for the same thought in a way. Like "oh no i am having trouble transitionning", I deal with that but "i will panic because of it" pops up. New sheet feel a bit more anxious, deal with the thought challenge it then "Oh no panicking will ruinin my day and reset me back in my progress!" Do the thought challenging, follow the instructions, feel a bit better. But considering i got more andxious during, i am not that ahead from before i started lol. And i thought this might just be because i am not use to focusing consciously and analysing and looking at every angle of a anxious thought and not used to challenging it. I thought that might be why i had a small increase of anxiety in the process but i dont know for sure lol
So i wanted to know, is it normal at first if it does that or am i just doing something incorrectly? anyway, thanks!