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17 years ago 0 8760 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
TaiPanTN, Welcome to the Panic Center! Call your family physician and schedule an appointment by phone. Ask him for a referral to a mental health professional in your area. Work from there. You can begin the program at the same time and bring or e-mail the results to your doctor or mental health professional. This will give them a clearer picture of you and how this disorder affects your daily life. Keep us posted, Danielle ___________________________ The PC Support Team
17 years ago 0 2 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Also, a few other thoughts. Should I start the program here now, or should I try to talk to my doctor or someone else first? If this doesn't get better soon, I am going to be serious finaicial troubles, how do most people who can't leave the house, pay their bills?
17 years ago 0 2 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi, I'm Dwight 35. I have dealt with depression for years. But something happened in April I have thought about it and not sure what it was. But my life changed. Since April I have made it to work 5 days, never two in a row. If it wasn't for my mother paying my house payment and light bill I would be in serious trouble. Most days I find myself staying only in my bedroom, alot of the time never getting out of bed. I have been on Paxil on years, but I did finally make it to my doctor to talk a little about my problem, he changed me to Effexor XR, which I am not sure helped at all. I have panic attack alot, three out of the last four nights. I don't know where to go for help or who to ask for, or even what to ask for. I have read some on agoraphobia, which is how I found this site. I am sorry for rambling, but it's hard to get my thoughts in order on this. I want to go to work, I need to go to work, but day after day, week after week, I can not go. I am slipping more and more into just staying in bed, I have even stopped watching shows on tv. Any advice on where to go for help would be greatly appreciated. Hopefully, something were I could at least make contact for help fom home, since I haven't left the house in weeks.

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